4500$ is too much for inclusion..


Nov 11, 2008
I just wanted my simple blog to be included.

Why would you charge so much for your service ?

After all on your site it says Free Inclusion at DMOZ.

I do not get this management charge, it was nowhere mentioned.
I paid 20% upfront but it still takes 2 weeks to show up ?

Even after paying this so-called management charge, you are still not doing much on this directory.

Is it possible to have refund even after list has been processed ?
Also I was told that I would get free million hits in 1st month. How ?



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There is never any charge for including a site in the ODP. (We don't offer a service, and therefore don't have anything to charge for!)

Since ODP editors have no idea how many hits the directory itself gets, we can't promise anyone any hits based on an ODP listing.

An attempt to pay for inclusion is called a "bribe". Volunteers are removed for offering to accept bribes, or accepting them. Sites are banned for anything resembling an offer to bribe the volunteers.

I have no idea what a "management charge" is. Whatever it is, there's no such thing for the ODP.

Whoever you're dealing with, what you describe sounds like fraud pure and simple. But it would be only fair to let THEM give whatever explanation they can, for what THEY said or did.
I suspect that getting money back would be a matter for the police.


Jan 26, 2004
Jaswinder said:
I do not get this management charge, it was nowhere mentioned.
I paid 20% upfront but it still takes 2 weeks to show up ?

Even after paying this so-called management charge, you are still not doing much on this directory.

Is it possible to have refund even after list has been processed ?
Also I was told that I would get free million hits in 1st month. How ?
Looks like you been scammed by someone with nothing to do with DMOZ


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
we would like to know more about this scam.
But don't write about it here ar RZ. Please use our abuse report form http://report-abuse.dmoz.org/
We need to know us much as possible about the person/company that offered you this. Include links to their website and to yours. If you have any emails from them they could be usefull so inlcude tme also in the report.
If this person/company is an editor we can and will take actions. Asking or accepting payment for a listing is not something a DMOZ editor is allowed to do. But most probabaly you have been scammed by someone without any relation with DMOZ.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.