5 years later...


Mar 23, 2009
I've read the information on the guidelines of being accepted located here:
I have followed those guidelines and truly feel that I have a list able site. Especially when compared to other listed sites in the same category.

I also noticed another person’s concerns about the same category although I do not know the sub if any. If an editor was listed. When I submitted my site one was listed at that time. Now there is not one listed and hasn't been for some time.

I do understand that this ODP is entirely ran by volunteers. But since there is absolutely no way of knowing if, when, why, who or anything else for that matter, I'm confused as to what to do at this point. I've had other sites accepted by ODP in the past. These sites are listed in another category. But this one site in a different category has not been accepted in over 5 years. Since we cannot resubmit or find out any information as to anything. What options do we/I have other than, wait?

I don't want to come across as being rude or ignorant. I would be honored of becoming an editor myself, but I do not have all of the credentials of becoming one.

Thank You


Apr 5, 2004
I would be honored of becoming an editor myself, but I do not have all of the credentials of becoming one.
The only necessary "credentials" are honesty, some spare time, an interest in helping to build the directory, and willingness to learn a new skill. :)

To quote the guidelines:
Everyone is welcome to join the ODP. All you need is an interest or passion and a computer. While there are no specific pre-requisites, we seek people who have a genuine interest in building a directory that is free of commercial interests and favoritism. Fairness and objectivity prevail here. Those who still believe the Web should be free and accessible to all, without bias and unnecessary noise, will most enjoy the ODP experience. Potential editors should demonstrate a keen eye for spotting quality and useful sites, attention to detail, and possess good grammar, spelling and communication skills.


Mar 23, 2009
makrhod, Thank you for your reply. The credentials that I am referring to is the ones that is shown when you click on the volunteer link at the bottom of each category.

Filling Out the Application Form

  • Your application should be complete.
  • Your application is an indication of the kind of editor you will be. A poorly written application with spelling and grammatical errors, and/or one that only serves to hype and promote websites is unlikely to be approved.
  • You'll be asked to supply 3 sample URLs on your application. The sites you suggest should be specific to the subject matter of the category for which you are applying to edit.
  • By providing a sample of 3 URLs (websites) in your application, you are showing us
  • your understanding of the kinds of sites listed in the category
  • your ability to pick quality websites, and
  • your ability to provide good and useful descriptions.
  • Reading over the ODP's editing guidelines will give you some insight into how ODP editors select, evaluate, describe and organize websites.
  • Outside of World/ categories, sites must have English language content, and be described in English. Sites with content in languages other than English belong to the proper World/[Language] category and should be described in the corresponding language.
  • If you are a webmaster or associated with any website, please disclose this on your application.
  • We work hard to make the ODP a fair and impartial resource for Web users. The ODP is not to be used as a way to advertise or unfairly promote websites. Editors who are primarily interested in promoting their own or clients' sites, and/or discriminating against their competitors' by manipulating site listings may have their editor accounts revoked without notice.

I do not hold all of these to be true for myself, so I do not go any further. So if I understand you correctly, I could apply to become an editor even though some of these guidelines I can not show for? Granted I would have to be accepted none the less.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
VdrumsRoland said:
I do not hold all of these to be true for myself, so I do not go any further. So if I understand you correctly, I could apply to become an editor even though some of these guidelines I can not show for? Granted I would have to be accepted none the less.
How can these not be true for someone who wants to become an editor

> Your application should be complete.
Not to difficult to fill all fields on the application form. Anybody can do it.
Incomplete application will be rejected.

> Your application is an indication of the kind of editor you will be. A poorly
> written application with spelling and grammatical errors, and/or one that
> only serves to hype and promote websites is unlikely to be approved.
So write a good application. If you are not capable of writing decent sentences in a language you should probably apply for a category in a language you understand better.

> You'll be asked to supply 3 sample URLs on your application. The sites you
> suggest should be specific to the subject matter of the category for which
> you are applying to edit.
If uou can't find 3 samples the category is most probably not a good one to start in.
> By providing a sample of 3 URLs (websites) in your application, you are
> showing us
> your understanding of the kinds of sites listed in the category
> your ability to pick quality websites, and
> your ability to provide good and useful descriptions.
This is essential. Find 3 websites that are not yet listed and write decent descirptions (we don't expect new editors to be 100% perfect)
> Reading over the ODP's editing guidelines will give you some insight into
> how ODP editors select, evaluate, describe and organize websites.
OK, reading seems not to difficult.

> Outside of World/ categories, sites must have English language content,
> and be described in English. Sites with content in languages other than
> English belong to the proper World/[Language] category and should be
> described in the corresponding language.
Not to difficult. Select a category in a language you understand, find 3 websites in that language for that category and apply to be an editor.

> If you are a webmaster or associated with any website, please disclose
> this on your application.
Essential. List all websites you are associated with.

> We work hard to make the ODP a fair and impartial resource for Web users.
> The ODP is not to be used as a way to advertise or unfairly promote
> websites. Editors who are primarily interested in promoting their own or
> clients' sites, and/or discriminating against their competitors' by
> manipulating site listings may have their editor accounts revoked without
> notice.
Very essential. If these are your intentions you should not apply.

So what could be the one that is not true.
Write a complete application showing that you understand DMOZ guidelines and be honest. That is all we ask. Everybody should be able to do such a simple task.


Mar 23, 2009
  • You'll be asked to supply 3 sample URLs on your application. The sites you
    suggest should be specific to the subject matter of the category for which
    you are applying to edit.
If uou can't find 3 samples the category is most probably not a good one to start in.
  • By providing a sample of 3 URLs (websites) in your application, you are showing us
  • your understanding of the kinds of sites listed in the category
  • your ability to pick quality websites, and
  • your ability to provide good and useful descriptions.
This is essential. Find 3 websites that are not yet listed and write decent descirptions (we don't expect new editors to be 100% perfect)
  • Reading over the ODP's editing guidelines will give you some insight into
    how ODP editors select, evaluate, describe and organize websites.
OK, reading seems not to difficult.
That is my downfall. Even though I do have other sites only two would be in the same category. It only appears that the category that my site is not listed in or has not been listed in for 5 years has no editor or has been "overlooked" by volunteers.

  • Outside of World/ categories, sites must have English language content,
    and be described in English. Sites with content in languages other than
    English belong to the proper World/[Language] category and should be
    described in the corresponding language.
Not to difficult. Select a category in a language you understand, find 3 websites in that language for that category and apply to be an editor.
See answer above

  • We work hard to make the ODP a fair and impartial resource for Web users.
    The ODP is not to be used as a way to advertise or unfairly promote
    websites. Editors who are primarily interested in promoting their own or
    clients' sites, and/or discriminating against their competitors' by
    manipulating site listings may have their editor accounts revoked without
Very essential. If these are your intentions you should not apply.
Totally agree

So what could be the one that is not true.
Write a complete application showing that you understand DMOZ guidelines and be honest. That is all we ask. Everybody should be able to do such a simple task.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Even though I do have other sites only two would be in the same category.

The point of the test is to show the ability to find OTHER people's sites to add. (We assume nobody has any trouble finding their OWN sites.)


Sep 6, 2008
One more thing...

Just because you become an editor doesnt mean you'll get the category that you want.
One of the biggest myths is that when you become an editor you'll be able to list your site(s) in other categories that you're not an editor in.
Another one is that editors are in cahoots, and will help out other editors get their sites in.
I have submitted a few sites, and NOT ONE has been listed in their category.

VdrumsRoland said:
I've read the information on the guidelines of being accepted located here:
I have followed those guidelines and truly feel that I have a list able site. Especially when compared to other listed sites in the same category.

I also noticed another person’s concerns about the same category although I do not know the sub if any. If an editor was listed. When I submitted my site one was listed at that time. Now there is not one listed and hasn't been for some time.

I do understand that this ODP is entirely ran by volunteers. But since there is absolutely no way of knowing if, when, why, who or anything else for that matter, I'm confused as to what to do at this point. I've had other sites accepted by ODP in the past. These sites are listed in another category. But this one site in a different category has not been accepted in over 5 years. Since we cannot resubmit or find out any information as to anything. What options do we/I have other than, wait?

I don't want to come across as being rude or ignorant. I would be honored of becoming an editor myself, but I do not have all of the credentials of becoming one.

Thank You
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