6 month to answer a status request ?


Aug 11, 2004
Dear Editor,

I asked the status of http://www.green-acre.com submitted to:

This was on http://resource-zone.com/forum/show...goto=nextnewest and the answer was "listed".

I waited 3 months and ask for more information as the site is not listed.
The answer was "Ah, it's listed under a different URL."

I tested the complete directory http://dmoz.org/Regional/Europe/Fra...my/Real_Estate/ and none of them let to the site. I asked but after 3 months again I still do not have an answer.

The french version of the site is listed (http://www.immofrance.com), but http://dmoz.org/guidelines/site-spe...l#multi-lingual explains that I can do a submission for each site.

Some competitors have a very closed name (we have nothing to do with immofranceportal.com for example), it might have led to this situation ?

As recommanded by DMOZ, we have not been waiting for beeing listed to develop our businness and we are now switching from http://www.green-acre.com to http://www.green-acres.com. Is that possible to take this into account for the current submission ?

It seems that there is only one person working on this part of the directory (if you are reading me you are most probably hutcheson.), and it might be crowded?

Thanks again and just tell me if you consider I am abusing, I will stop posting.


Jan 23, 2003
I'm not Hutcheson (darn it!), but I am reading your posting, wondering why you started a new thread (violating forum rules in the process) rather than posting again in your existing thread like you did last week.

Please return there
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