8 months & still waiting ... on diesel-ebooks.com (extreme frustration)


Oct 18, 2004
It's been over eight months since I submitted my site and still... Nothing. I went ahead and resubmitted again today. I've worked so hard to build this business and it doesn't seem fair that ODP just ignores me. Diesel eBooks is one of the biggest ebookstores on the net with over 50,000 pages indexed by Google. What do we have to do? I guess I'm just venting. Can somebody make any suggestions? Anybody I should be sending emails to that I’m not? Is there another forum where I can voice my concerns? Here's the category where I submitted:

Top: Shopping: Publications: Digital: Fiction (51)

oliver dines

Apr 10, 2005
Who knows

www.euromost.info problems are probably not the fault of the Open Directory
as I have suggested but they are probably compounded by the pure number of sites against editors available to review them.

Your situation could be the other end of the spectrum - a very specialist industry with a limited number of editors in this field.

The solution is taking a look at my site find somewhere in eastern europe to
escape to and take one of your titles to read in the departure lounge whilst
waiting hours for the plane!

Patience is a virtue - we both lack but a litt;e humour helps

Take Care



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What can you do? Well, you can bookmark this thread and come back a month after the LATEST submittal -- and we can at least tell you what the status of the submittal is.

You can send unsolicited e-mail for your commercial purposes to anyone: since the ODP isn't about commercial purposes, that's obviously the Hormel solution, and will influence people as it always does.

You can voice your concerns in any forum that will let you. Many people do. I think that's counterproductive: you just wind yourself up further about how the universe just isn't fair: and you have to live in the head you just wound up. Aargh. And -- you know, if ODP editors get REALLY mad at a forum, we can kill it deader than Bill Gates' reputation: all we have to do is spread a rumor -- just a little itty-bitty rumor -- that posts in that forum would lead to quick site reviews. BAM! Instant slash-dot crash-burn!

Venting at the people who you're asking for a favor is generally counterproductive, too.

So, no, there's not much productive you can do on the ODP (or, for that matter, Google or the BBC!) Them's other folks' websites. Work where you can have an effect. Focus on your own site; focus on people who share your goal of promoting that site (or can be paid to share that goal.) Assume you'll have to do all your on site promotion, without any help from the ODP. Then, even if your assumption is wrong, your actions will have been right.


Jan 23, 2003
And, if you do follow Hutcheson's sage advice, do something first:

Read the FAQ
Read the posting guidelines

The former will set your expectaions about timelines and the like.
The latter will help make sure that your status request doesn't get ignored.

You might also want to stop resubmitting. It almost never helps, and if the editor sorts by submission date, you have just put yourself at the bottom, of the sort order.
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