A few questions for some direction, Please!


Apr 9, 2009
:icon_ques I have been involved in the Seo Industry for a number of years and need some direction with submissions. Here it is...

The client submitted site prior to performing SEO and understanding Dmoz Submit process. After several months he requested my assistance. On my review of his submitted info; I would have rejected it based on category and the description info alone. Further, the client has a number of sites with similar content but are all dedicated to segmented markets and products. It is a very professional site(s) and has specific categories they should be listed in.

:icon_ques One site Corporate-subsidiary) was listed and removed not sure why ? Can some one explain some of the reasons an editor would remove a listing :icon_ques

:icon_ques Should I resubmit based on my edited version to the proper category:icon_ques

:icon_ques The client has three sites that provide solutions within the same industry but are entirely different in scope of product. :icon_ques Can someone provide a little guidance with re-submitting the Corporate site and the 2 products (SharePoint Solution and Joomla):icon_ques

:icon_ques Can I get all prior submissions info removed and start over:icon_ques

Thank you in advance for any assistance and/or guidance with these matters

Jeffdaq, PIM, eB2B-SEO


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We don't decline websites because they've been suggested to the wrong category - we move them.

We don't decline websites because they've been suggested with non-guidelines compliant titles or descriptions - we rewrite them. (That would be around 99.9%)

We do decline websites if they're the sort that we don't list. site selection criteria.

That a website has been spread over multiple domain names doesn't make it eligible for multiple listings. We might well list the main domain but we think it's the website owner's job to provide the navigation between its sections, not ours. Suggesting related websites or fraternal mirrors is specifically forbidden by our submission guidelines which every suggester acknowledges that they've read and agreed as part of the process. The same guidelines also outline the penalties that can be applied should they be ignored.

As a rule of thumb, if the websites would all be listed in the same branch of the directory, they are related.

Lastly, there's no practicable way of 'starting again'. My best suggestion is to do nothing further lest you make matters worse.

Oh, forgot one. No listing is permanent but in general, the only reasons that we'd remove one are unavailability, that it was listed in error or that it no longer meets our site selection criteria.


Apr 5, 2004
The missing "l" has been added to "htm", thanks. It's happened to me before now, too. :rolleyes:
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