A quesiton about the how dmoz works


Sep 3, 2008
Hi, I am curious to know how dmoz works. Are there multiple editors for a category? Even tiny insignificant categories. The question I am asking is because I am worried mine has been overlooked, or not even looked at, or worse, there is an evil editor from a competitors website who has rejected my submission.
I have waited over four weeks now and still have not had a reply. Now I realise it takes time to sort through the submissions, and that dmoz needs to maintain it's high quality of it's links, but my link is a simple brochure website and fits perfectly into it's category. Our business has been running for over 20 years and I see no reason as to why we would not be accepted.

Could someone please help with some guidance. I read somewhere that we could ask for the status of our website, how or where do I do this.

Many thanks.


Apr 5, 2004
Hello shaunhh, and welcome to Resource-Zone. :)

You will find all of your questions and concerns addressed in the FAQ (linked at the top of each forum page here), and in the public About DMOZ pages.


Jan 23, 2003
No status checks given.

More than 200 editors can edit in any category, even the smallest ones.

Reviewing suggestions is a very, very low priority. Some editors never go near the suggestion pool. Can't say as I blame them.

The evil editor is a competitor is usually just someone projecting their own ethics. Rarely happens, and when it does, the editor gets stomped and has to wear funny clothes for the rest of his or her squalid life.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Are there multiple editors for a category?
Yes there are.

> Even tiny insignificant categories.
There are no insignificant categories for us. A subject that is insignificant for one person might be highly significant to another person.

> The question I am asking is because I am worried mine has been
> overlooked, or not even looked at,
Not even looked at is very well possible.

> or worse, there is an evil editor from a competitors website who has
> rejected my submission.
Very unlickely to almost imposible.

> I have waited over four weeks now and still have not had a reply.
4 weeks is only a small amount of time (see our FAQ)
you will never get a reply

By suggesting your site you have done all you can do. Someday in the future an editor will look at the site and decide to list it or not. Who this editor will be we don't know. When an editor will look at the site we don't know. It might be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, or even longer.
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