Thank you very much for the time and effort to maintain this excellent directory.
However, It is honestly very frustrating to try and figure out what is going on with a submission. I have never gotten any indication that the editor has received it or that it is in the queue.
It seems like it would be very simple to write a very rudimentary shell script to send out an email upon sucessful submission and then at periodic intervals (maybe a week or 2) simply stating that the submission is in the queue and roughly how many other submissions are in front of it. I'm sure the talented people who built the software for this complex directory could whip out such a script in very short order. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
While I'm sure everyone understands and appreciates the time and effort required to be an editor on a project of this magnitude it simply seems a matter of common courtesy to provide a little information on the status of a submission. Also, since the process would be automated it would eliminate the need to manually answer the submission status forum, as well as what is probably a flood of emails from people who wonder if their submissions are even being considered.
However, It is honestly very frustrating to try and figure out what is going on with a submission. I have never gotten any indication that the editor has received it or that it is in the queue.
It seems like it would be very simple to write a very rudimentary shell script to send out an email upon sucessful submission and then at periodic intervals (maybe a week or 2) simply stating that the submission is in the queue and roughly how many other submissions are in front of it. I'm sure the talented people who built the software for this complex directory could whip out such a script in very short order. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
While I'm sure everyone understands and appreciates the time and effort required to be an editor on a project of this magnitude it simply seems a matter of common courtesy to provide a little information on the status of a submission. Also, since the process would be automated it would eliminate the need to manually answer the submission status forum, as well as what is probably a flood of emails from people who wonder if their submissions are even being considered.