A small issue is becoming big


Sep 4, 2004
What you can do and what you can’t do in thise forums should be a small issue. The “main event” is happening in dmoz.org, people. But, in the last time something strange is happening: the forum debates are getting bigger and longer.
Dear editors and metas, a lot of people post threads just to get even with you because their site was not listed in shortest possible time. And that should be “yesterday”. The problem here is that this process can lead only to delay in what is the main task of an OPD editor: reviewing sites. Thise guys are just launching smoke bombs.
It’s natural for you to defeand ODP, but in that way you can achive only 2 things:

1. You give troublemakers credibility, because you take them very seriously;
2. Lose time. Better spend this hours with your family, in a park, or in any other way you desire, but please stop making thise little guys “kings for a day”.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
As anything with ODP and also with RZ is totaly done on a volunteer basis I prefer to decide myself how I want to spend my time. If I decide to answer questions here in my opinion that is time well spend. So there never can be a "better way to spend my time". ;)
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