Let me start like this, first of all it is very sad that Google and other SE's index and rank sites according to their placement at DMOZ or any other human edited similar portal!
Reason for saying this is, it all started as a beautiful and perfect idea but just as every other perfect idea it has lost its aims and more specificly its goals of making the internet free and more objective in nature, as it was not the idea to make it a monopoly of certain people!!!!!.
The editors have become the absolute authority for judging a websites quality or for that matter any other standard! but what standards if any are in place for checking the quality of the editors? or is it just that buddy brings in a buddy(referers)??? or maybe checking their qualifications is in place and if so how??? Is it so that these editors are representatives of the whole internet community or just a group of individuals and in my case i think extortioners!!!!
Maybe it isnt so! but what i have seen from my experience is that it is a gang owned by the same company, their friends and cahoots(i am refering to
a certain category) which is ruled by the same people who own all similar business and web design company and dont let any one aout of their own little circle to list at DMOZ!!
Well i think it is pretty nasty thing that these people decide to list their own websites only, and as such increase the rankings of their webpages!!! and when others do sumbit webpages which confirm with all the standards i mean all the standards QULAITY (W3C CSS) CONTENT (All Related to the topic) Optimized from tags to footer in other words everything. All this falls on deaf ears, reason ?? well no need to continue if names are named then this thread will be removed pretty quick as well.
Mods and readers plz feel free to comment i am open to any suggestion and advice even if it is harsh!!!!!
Let me start like this, first of all it is very sad that Google and other SE's index and rank sites according to their placement at DMOZ or any other human edited similar portal!
Reason for saying this is, it all started as a beautiful and perfect idea but just as every other perfect idea it has lost its aims and more specificly its goals of making the internet free and more objective in nature, as it was not the idea to make it a monopoly of certain people!!!!!.
The editors have become the absolute authority for judging a websites quality or for that matter any other standard! but what standards if any are in place for checking the quality of the editors? or is it just that buddy brings in a buddy(referers)??? or maybe checking their qualifications is in place and if so how??? Is it so that these editors are representatives of the whole internet community or just a group of individuals and in my case i think extortioners!!!!
Maybe it isnt so! but what i have seen from my experience is that it is a gang owned by the same company, their friends and cahoots(i am refering to
a certain category) which is ruled by the same people who own all similar business and web design company and dont let any one aout of their own little circle to list at DMOZ!!
Well i think it is pretty nasty thing that these people decide to list their own websites only, and as such increase the rankings of their webpages!!! and when others do sumbit webpages which confirm with all the standards i mean all the standards QULAITY (W3C CSS) CONTENT (All Related to the topic) Optimized from tags to footer in other words everything. All this falls on deaf ears, reason ?? well no need to continue if names are named then this thread will be removed pretty quick as well.
Mods and readers plz feel free to comment i am open to any suggestion and advice even if it is harsh!!!!!