About a site of mine


Nov 2, 2005
Dear all,

I have submitted my site into this specific section of Dmoz.org: (Computers: Internet: Web Design and Development: Hosting: G).How long should I have to wait until my site would be listed into that specific category...

P.S.The site submission was 3 months ago.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Since "no site is guaranteed a listing"--it says so right there in the submittal policies--the only correct answer to that question is "forever".

But that question makes several invalid assumptions. See, in reality there are no deadlines, no timetables, no arbitrary forced synchronizations. Each volunteer works as fast as he's able and willing, without waiting for anyone else.

There's no temporal connection between any two volunteer actions. Which means that you can always suggest a site, even though it might be three months before anyone's ready to review it (not that anyone would know that). And an editor can always review a site, even though it might be years before anyone got around to suggesting it (not that anyone could know that either).


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.


Nov 2, 2005
ohh yeah I just get your point of view at the moment...So how I supposed to earn traffic over my site which is not listed on dmoz.org...Hmmm you tell me.Maybe I would need to become an editor my self or maybe I would need to find any friend of mine which one is already an editor and tell him to review it for me :rolleyes: ok then thx a lot for the help I really appreciated it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
So how I supposed to earn traffic over my site ...

There are innumerable people who will offer you traffic, either for money or in exchange for services (whichever you have in surplus).

The ODP isn't in that business.

....which is not listed on dmoz.org

I've never heard of anyone in the traffic-trafficking business who deals differently with listed sites and unlisted sites. Pretend the site is already in the ODP, if you like, and do whatever you'd do, to earn traffic. Or pretend the site would NEVER be in the ODP, and do whatever you think you'd have to, to earn traffic. (Either way, you'd be visualizing the reality that your website is completely in your power and completely your responsibility, and you'll stop worrying about what the ODP editors might do.)

Your earning potential is based on what you'll do for money: that's what "earn" means. It can't possibly have anything to do with what the ODP editors do for the love of it.


Nov 2, 2005
How I supposed to find three sites that much the category to become an editor and help you guys there?

Well what I meant is that one...I already know one that's my site of course...What about the other two sites...Search engines doesn't help us at all with that stuff or isn't them?

Or I could buy myself 2 more domains for the same site of mine and submit it there?

Doesn't this one helps me out or what?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If you don't know several sites that ought to be listed in the category but aren't, and if you don't feel a sincere interest in creating a web resource in the form of a list of sites with good, relevant descriptions, there wouldn't be any reason for you to apply to become an editor. That you would like to see your own site listed is not sufficient reason to become an editor, so please don't apply if that would be the only reason.

Search engines are a very useful tool for editors to find sites to list (often it's a much better way to find sites than by looking at the suggested sites). Any editor application that only includes example sites owned by the person applying, is going to be rejected. The same thing applies to any editor application that includes the same site three times, under different URLs (how would it help our users to include a bunch of different URLs for the same site?)


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
Or I could buy myself 2 more domains for the same site of mine and submit it there?
That wouldn't work for two reasons: First, the example sites need to be suitable for listing in the category, and we wouldn't list two (let alone three) sites on the same topic belong tot he same company. See: http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/include.html

Secondly, if you only provide sites with which you are affiliated as examples, then it's going to look rather like the only reason you want to become an editor is to list your own sites. This is not a good reason. See: http://www.dmoz.org/guidelines/conflict.html

Finally, if you can't find at least three unlisted sites to add to a category, it's not likely to be a good place for a new editor to edit. What will you do once you've added the one site you know about? I's suggest starting off in a different category. (You can always apply to edit additional categories once you've learnt the ropes in your first one.)


Jun 20, 2009
wait wait & wait

Hello, i was also try for my site [URL removed]last one year but result is not.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
The answers given previously do apply to all people, including you. So why ask the same question again. [btw, linking to your website is not allowed and is seen as spam]


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
How I supposed to find three sites that much the category to become an editor and help you guys there?

If you can only find one site, then ... you aren't going to be MUCH help. But every little bit counts. If you can figure out how to suggest that one site (without causing more trouble than an editor would take to find it on his own), then ... give what help you can.

Then you're done. Thanks, and goodbye. You'll be welcome back later if you find out you can help more.
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