about adding our website to DMOZ


Apr 6, 2010
regarding free web hosting submission

Hi All,

I have a problem submitting our free web hosting service to DMOZ. I have tried to submit <url removed> about three times and no luck. Also I have read the guidelines about four or five times to make sure that we do everything correctly, but no luck. The last time we have submitted website was a month ago. Please could you advice what we would need to do so that our link would be approved. Also to clarify my questions the link does not contains any link farming or any other stuff which does not fit to DMOZ regulations. It is the pure free web hosting service. Thank you in advance.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> I have a problem submitting our free web hosting service to DMOZ.
DMOZ does not care if a site is hosted on a payed or free service.
> I have tried to submit <url removed> about three times and no luck.
What do you mean with "tried" and "luck" If you received the screen with an aknowledgement the suggestion was made succesfully.
Sometime in the future (when is something nobody knows) an editor will review the suggested website.
> Also I have read the guidelines about four or five times to make sure that we do everything correctly, but no luck.
You missed the most important guideline "suggest a website only ONCE to the ONE best category"
> Please could you advice what we would need to do so that our link would be approved.
Nothing. Except stop suggesting the same website over and over again. The best thing that can happen if you continue suggesting it is a longer time between first suggestion and review. The worst thing that can happen (but those are exceptions) is a ban for you and your website.


Apr 6, 2010
Ok thank you pvgoo for your respond.
Yes i do know that it does not care about it, but when again how many time do I have to try or how much time do I need to wait until it gets approved I guess nobody know right?
What I mean 'treid' and 'luck' is that I have received three times those screens, but nothing happened in the pasth three or four months :)
Yes I have suggested <url removed. Please stop to try sneaking it back in, thanks> to the right section/category. Web hosting category it was.
Ok got you :) will never do it again :)


Apr 6, 2010

I just would like to touch a base of my old topic that I have done 5 months ago. Actually my topic was how to suggest website for editor or for actual DMOZ editor that they would review and insert to DMOZ. We have suggested our website to DMOZ about 8 months ago, but no reply and no website appeared in DMOZ. What do you think why site did not appeared?
Our website is on the 10-11 place of google with keyword like "free hosting" and has very unique content and service provided. Thank you and will be waiting for your respond.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. We shan't know whether or not your website is listable until then. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.
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