About suggesting a site.


Aug 21, 2007
I own a dating website and want to put it into the directory. I tried many times and failed. Now I learned that there's no edirtors from all the categories related to dating at all. I'm really confused.

If I want to continue, what should I do?


Curlie Admin
Curlie Admin
Oct 31, 2006
If you mean that there is no listed editor in the category where you have suggested your website, that is not a problem. You see, there are many editors who can edit in the category, even if there is no name shown there.

If you have submitted your site, especially within the past year, all you can do is wait and perhaps it will be listed.
It is not recommended to keep submitting the site details over and over.



Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I tried many times and failed.
Presumably you were expecting the "suggest a site" feature to automatically get your site listed in the directory. This is not the case. The "suggest a site" feature allows members of the public to offer a site for consideration, nothing more. In order for a suggested site to be added to the directory, a volunteer editor needs to take an interest in the category it was suggested to, and review the website. If the review is positive, and the site belongs in the category, the title and description then need to be checked (and rewritten if necessary to comply with our guidelines) and then the site is listed.

Since our editors are all volunteers and we get a lot of site suggestions to look at, the process above can take some time, and we are unable to offer any estimates for how long it will take an individual site to be reviewed. On top of that, adding new sites isn't the only thing that editors need to do develop and maintain the directory, and public suggestions aren't the only source of new sites.

As you've already been told, please don't repeatedly suggest the same site. Each time you do so, you need to agree that you've read and understood the submission guidelines. Presumably you missed the part of http://www.dmoz.org/add.html which says:
multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.