Abuse Problem


Feb 21, 2007
Hi everyone!

I'm not exactly sure where to take this query and the abuse form is down at the moment so maybe someone could help me out.

I have recently run accross a category that has only 1 website in it and the website is owned by the editor of that category. Now wether its legit or not its still a pretty big conflict of interest IMHO. The thing is it just looks bad and stokes the fires for all the DMOZ haters around.

Anyway, I dont really want to post any details so if a relevent person that handles that sort of stuff, a meta etc, would like to PM me I would be happy to pass the details along.

With Regards
P.S I wasnt quite sure were to post this so I apologise if I have put it in the wrong folder. Mods please feel free to move this if required. :)
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