accept my Apology

Sep 7, 2004
HI guys
Its onestopcaradvice back again, but not looking for anything else but to apologise if i have upset anyone in the opd, it was not my intention!!! namely jim noble, windharp and many others...
I was recommended to come on here to get some answers to why my site got removed by one of the editors. However i have found some replys to my questions a little unhelpful, or to the point that i having a educational chat with an editor for someone else to come and crash the party. Never mind though.
You guys now as well as i do that dmoz plays a large part in a web sites life, For bussiness and ranking, so you can understand why i was angry at being deleted and not given a chance to redeem my site. So if i appreared upset at your decisions, then i am sure that you can understand that.
To no extent did i spam the odp with submissions

With someone elses help to understand why my site was removed i now have digested that it was because i had "not enough content" and that is why, if i am wrong then please say so. :confused:
I will now go back to my web site and work on adding some extra content to make it worthy of being relisted, so long as you agree to wipe the slate clean and start again...jimnoble, windharp.

If my site is up to scratch and is worthy of being listed and is more informative than when it was originally listed.... will it be reviewed fairly?????
If you will not, then i would like your reeasons for this!

Once again i appologise to the odp`s editors if i have upset them.
Again it was not my intention to upset anyone in the first place. :)

I await your reply opd and editors.


Apr 15, 2003
It's nothing to do with apologies, it's a legal matter for AOL's lawyers - not for public discussion.
Sep 7, 2004
Aol Lawyers

My complaint has gone through to the senior manager of netscape, it is now in thier hands together with all the previous correspondence. They will make a desision as to whether i have been treated fairy or not i would asume and put some weight on you relisting if nessecary.
I dont believe that is legal is it.????? Whatever their decision is final, then i had a fair trial, if all posts are read thoroughly then i think the answer is simple enough. Especially when my other sites have been knocked back simply because because of an affiliation with onestopcaradvice. I would understand this if one of my web sites was already listed but its not.
All i am simply doing is offering an apology if i stepped out of line, which as written before was not my intention, just merly to understand why i was knocked off in english.
Then why my latest sites usedcarshowroom and osca-cars were not listed simply because i (onestopcaradvice) owned them as has been written in the posts. I dont need to go on do i.
All i wanted to do is apologise if i upset anyone. Wipe the slate clean and start again. Can we do this????? ;)
You guys can apologise if you also feel you have stepped out of line.

If for any reason you would like to discuss this matter quietly then please email me so we can resolve this matter.


Nov 6, 2002
You must understand (we've certainly said it often enough) that once legal action has been mentioned we will not, can not and must not discuss the matter further.

Please communicate only with Time Warner on this matter. It was taken out of ODP volunteer hands the moment you mentioned lawsuit.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.