Accepted Sites and Re-Indexing



Hello one and all,

I have a question regarding a website. Currenlty the site has been index by Google via standard submissions. However, its ranking has been mysteriously poor and I'm definately going about this legitimately.

The site had problems before the new filter Google applied last month, its just never been ranked. I went to the "cached" version of the site and it definately is not the latest copy.

I have made new changes to the site and it should get accepted by DMOZ. Let's say that it is definately accepted, will the site then be reindexed by Google's GoogleBot?

If not, how can I get the page reindex so the cache is updated? I know how to get it not to cache, but that doesn't help me at this point. For what I understand from some of the SEO experts, once its been index re-indexing it won't help. Is that true as well?

I throw myself at your feet and ask for your feedback.

Most sincerely,


Sep 11, 2003
This forum is specifically for ODP related questions. For issues in relation to Google I would suggest you try one of the many forums that focus on such a topic.

For the record copies of the sites that are listed within DMOZ are downloaded by Google (in RDF format) whenever they choose and how/when they process the information is out of the control of ODP.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>For the record copies of the sites that are listed within DMOZ are downloaded by Google (in RDF format) whenever they choose...

Actually, no, Google only copies our Directory (which contains your URL, our best guess at your site's title, and our description of the site.

Google's "cache" is collected by Googlebot on its own cognizance; ODP data (the "RDF") is not involved at all in the creation of THAT copy.

OK, this was an obvious mistake, and I wouldn't sit on a fellow editor except to make the point: ODP editors we are, and we're the best that there are at it. Heart surgeons, rocket engineers, search engine perverters, we mostly aren't, and a lot of almost equally wrong statements about those subjects could easily go uncaught and uncorrected in THIS forum. Check out the many public Search Engine forums, where the last Google update has received intense ... um, reaction. All the wrong statements (together with most of the correct ones) have been made -- and denied there, and you'll get a fuller picture of Google than we could give here.


Sep 11, 2003
What hutcheson said! Bad choice of words on my part :confused:


I thank you both for your time and attention. You are a great help and I hope you know your efforts are appreciated.

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