Accidentally did not submit to the most specific catagory


Sep 18, 2004
I work for a celebrity resource site that has both male and female celebrities and models. My boss asked me to submit to dmoz under: Arts > People > Image Galleries. I was in a hurry and went to that section and submitted to the female section and then the models section before realizing that there was a Non-Gender Specific catagory staring me in the face. I also noticed that if I read the complete directions on the submit form I would have realized to submit to the Non-Gender Specific catagory. I am worried that I will make an editor mad because I submitted to the wrong catagory. Can I still submit to the Non-Gender Specific catagory or will this be considered abuse since I mistakenly submitted to the Female and Model sections already. One of the reasons that I made this mistake is that I saw some competitors sites that were in the Female or Male catagory, but contain both sexes. I do not want to break any rules or mess up my companies chances for getting submitted to the appropiate section for: Arts > People > Image Galleries. Can I email the editor of that section, if so, how. Thanks for helping!

Lori :confused:


Apr 8, 2004
Editors seldom answer emails. If you have only submitted the site once. Then submitting one more time to a better category would not be considered spam. However, I would suggest that when you resubmit to the correct category, after you write the description, place [in brackets] a note that explains that this submission is to replace the one you submitted earlier to the other category. Hope this helps.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Dogbows is right, and it's very obvious if you think about it this way:

The "site suggestion" process is not there to impose on an editor the obligation to look at a site -- although that is an unfortunate side-effect. It is really there to help an editor find, categorize, and describe good websites.

So any post that helps an editor FC&D, is good; any post that imposes an editor obligation but doesn't help build the directory is spam.

If you sent a misplaced submittal, you can't hurt the editors by adding a "fake submittal" saying, "ignore previous submittal." And you can't hurt the editor by submitting again to the right place.

Information that allows us to look for a particular aspect of a site, and make a quick decision based on that, is always good.

For example: "I submitted, but my real homepage is" -- editor quickly checks both sites, rather than wondering where he's seen that content before.

"I submitted to Regional/Galactic/Widget Distributors, but since we only ship nationwide throughout San Marino, we probably should have picked a more specific category" -- Go ahead and hunt down San Marino and submit again: the ODP editor may not know whether it's a South Pacific Island or a South Texas county. And don't worry about being called a spammer.

Just leave a note to the editor telling what you're trying to do. It's a quick move, and (for me, at least) often a priority action -- to clean up the queue and get sites over to where the right editor can handle them.

On the other hand, submitting to every county in Texas because you don't remember which one San Angelo is in, doesn't help. If you know nothing, submit once and don't bother the nice editor. If you know something, tell us -- and thanks for all the help, probably over a million sites in the directory were suggested by our public.
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