

Apr 13, 2008
which problem for my website?????


I have tried to register my website in DMOZ in the best category; i have read and read again all the requirements, and applied them strictly.

My website has a full conformity with all standards and best practicies.

It's been online since more than 1 years without interrupt.

Content is regularly updated.

This is now more than 10 month since I try to get listed in DMOZ without success.

I know this is a human made search engine; but precisely, try to be human with your subscribers; at least, send a "no" answer when you refuse a site.

I still don't understand why you refuse my website ... Really

For me is very my job!


Apr 13, 2008
Threads Merged.

I have tried to register my website in DMOZ in the best category; i have read and read again all the requirements, and applied them strictly.

My website has a full conformity with all standards and best practicies.

It's been online since more than 1 years without interrupt.

Content is regularly updated.

This is now more than 1 year since I try to get listed in DMOZ without success.

I know this is a human made search engine; but precisely, try to be human with your subscribers; at least, send a "no" answer when you refuse a site.

I still don't understand why you refuse my website ... Really

this website is my my job....

my website : URL Removed



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
acricco said:

I have tried to register my website in DMOZ in the best category; i have read and read again all the requirements, and applied them strictly.
Let me first try to remove a misunderstanding. You can not try to register a website with DMOZ. That is just not something we offer. You can suggest a website to the editors and they will look at it. We just can not predict which editor that will be and when it will happen.

> My website has a full conformity with all standards and best practicies.
Not realy relevant for a listing with DMOZ. We are interested in content.

> It's been online since more than 1 years without interrupt.
The time a site has been online is also not relevant for a listing. We list sites only a few days old and years old, for us they are all the same.

> Content is regularly updated.
Good. we like such sites (as long as it is unique content)

> This is now more than 1 year since I try to get listed in DMOZ without success.
That is not abnormal. I have listed sites more than 3 years after they were suggested.

> I know this is a human made search engine
Ehh, No. We are not a search engine. DMOZ is a directory.

> try to be human with your subscribers; at least, send a "no" answer when you refuse a site.
Why? what would you do when you received such a message. We tried status updates in this forum and it just didn't work. Not for us and not for the people asking the question.

> I still don't understand why you refuse my website ... Really
Why do you think it was rejected? Most probably it is still waiting review with several other 100.000s of sites.

> this website is my my job....
Yes. But why should that be of importance to us.
If you want to make a living out of a website you must work to make it a succes. Not rely on a group of unpaid volunteers who build a directory as tehir hobby.

> my website : URL Removed
Sorry. Proving you url in this forum is not allowed.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.