Actin like DMOZ aint no thang


Apr 7, 2011

First up I'm panhandling for a reliable "heads up" on what I could do to get an Ireland based (although serving international clients too, immigration having become a national sport in Ireland since "THE EVENT") chef's recruitment website (which I just so happen, by complete coincidence, to be involved in) listed on DMOZ. Like every other hapless soul who ever posted here getting listed on DMOZ has now become an ambition which has assumed, in my head at least, dimensions which know no mental boundary. My unreasonable determination to get on DEMOZ now noted I'm resolved to hang on to my remaining scraps of dignity so I won't be holding a pity party (or at least I'll be trying not to), or become a become a pest. I've read the material and if all I get is something along these lines: "Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to several years." then so be it, I'll just have to live with it. However all this notwithstanding I'll set out my situation in the hope I may glean a useful insight or two.

When I first submitted (I'm omitting the boilerplate snipe about how long ago that was) I submitted to this level of DMOZ: I did so for a number of reasons. 1. the website "is" indeed all the following: Business: Employment: Recruitment and Staffing: Recruiters. That describes us perfectly, 2. The very first company on that list does exactly the same things we do, is located in the same city (well they're outside the city somewhat but you get my drift). And, 3. Unlike the previously referenced company we're full members of National Recruitment Federation providing an additional layer, we hope, of vouchiness for our general industry standing. Please note that third comment is not and is not intended to diminish or denigrate the standards of a company I know to be worthy and professional. So that's the guts of my case as to why our business belongs in the same place as theirs. Onwards...

Now, given my general desperation, and in anticipation of someone suggesting that "perhaps that category is without an active editor but to keep my chin up because there's always the chance it will be addressed in time" there are other categories where we could also be listed with relevance, for example here: because we are indeed all the following things too: Regional: Europe: Ireland: Business and Economy: Employment: Recruiters. Being really desperate we could, with relevance be listed here too: because the following: Regional: Europe: Ireland: Business and Economy: Employment is a reasonable description of us too and the companies listed there engage in the same activities and have their offices in, roughly, the same location as us. However I'm loath to opt for that category if it takes us out of the first one forever, because really our geographic location is only incidental, most of our business is conducted via the web and phone. Because our systems are cloud based we are often, in reality, operating from different locations and occasionally even abroad.

Yet, it must be admitted that beggars can't be choosers and being located in Ireland (pity party warning) we're certainly the former, so, here are my questions (for those with the forbearance to have read this far):

1. Should I resubmit to another category?
2. Given that we can, with relevance, be listed on at least three categories, that I know of, should I resubmit to all?
3. Should I resubmit to the original category but with a fresh description (notwithstanding the fact that I believe I avoided hyperbole and boastful or promotional language in the original)
4. If someone can confirm that there is an absence of editors on the relevant category should I volunteer to edit?*
5. Notwithstanding the fact that the site in question belongs to a company affiliated with the national industry body of professionals concerned with the activity of recruitment could it be the case that the company, and the site, being relatively new could be going against it in the eyes of DMOZ editors?
6. If the answer to 5 is "YES" then would it help if we immediately booked/bought the domain for the next five or ten years? We're planning to do this anyway but the haste with which this gets done will relate to the answer I get here, assuming I get an answer.
7. Did I miss anything important?

Anyway, I really appreciate anyone making the effort to read this and appreciate even more greatly any answers. In the meantime I better get back to recruiting chefs and I'll just have to hope for the best on DMOZ.

4*Obviously this isn't something I would do without first declaring a personal interest and hence a potential conflict of interest. I've also avoided attempting this because I feel a bit compromised about my motivations and while I'd certainly attempt to be honest and fair in everything I did the fact remains that I work in the industry and could have an interest in holding up a competitor's entry. I like to believe I'm too principled to do that but the fact remains that I'd be in a position where I could.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Websites can be listed in Topical categories and often in their localities as well.

IMHO, most surfers would prefer a short and focused list of recruiters in their locality rather than a gazillions long world wide one - but I'm a Regional editor :).

There's probably no need to suggest your website again. If a listable site is suggested to the wrong category, we move it to a correct one.

If you have a Dublin 1 or 2 postal address, then ../Dublin/Localities/City Centre is the right place.
If you have addresses in Cork and Dublin for example, Regional/Europe/Ireland/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Recruiters is the right place.

There are no categories without editors. There are around 200 of us who can edit anywhere and we do.

If you're interested in editing as a hobby, go right ahead and apply.
If you're interested in becoming an editor just to get your site listed, please don't.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
"Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to several years."
Sorry, I could not resist posting the above line ;)


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
re #5 & #6 :
Each editor has their means of choosing resources to list, so I can't say "no, being relatively new doesn't affect things", although it shouldn't...
Editors follow the editing guidelines, but personal judgment is always there (otherwise we would be machines?).
We look for useful content, so if the site has this, logically it will be listed, in the time-frame from the post above.
Personally, I've never looked to see how many years in advance a domain name has been paid for, as I can't see how this would affect a directory listing.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
5. Notwithstanding the fact that the site in question belongs to a company affiliated with the national industry body of professionals concerned with the activity of recruitment could it be the case that the company, and the site, being relatively new could be going against it in the eyes of DMOZ editors?
Each editor has their means of choosing resources to list, so I can't say "no, being relatively new doesn't affect things", although it shouldn't...
Newness is generally only a factor for sites where content is gradually accumulated over time, such as forums, blogs, classifieds, and directories. For those types of sites, newness usually means lack of posts, threads, directory listings, etc, which also generally means insufficient content to be listed at the time. So, if your site is, say, a job posting site (like Monster or Workopolis) and you only have a few jobs listed, that may work against you. But if the site is for an actual employment recruiting company (which appears to be the case based on your post), the key content is information about the company itself, not how many job postings it has.


Apr 7, 2011
Websites can be listed in Topical categories and often in their localities as well.

IMHO, most surfers would prefer a short and focused list of recruiters in their locality rather than a gazillions long world wide one - but I'm a Regional editor :).

There's probably no need to suggest your website again. If a listable site is suggested to the wrong category, we move it to a correct one.

If you have a Dublin 1 or 2 postal address, then ../Dublin/Localities/City Centre is the right place.
If you have addresses in Cork and Dublin for example, Regional/Europe/Ireland/Business_and_Economy/Employment/Recruiters is the right place.

There are no categories without editors. There are around 200 of us who can edit anywhere and we do.

If you're interested in editing as a hobby, go right ahead and apply.
If you're interested in becoming an editor just to get your site listed, please don't.

Hi Jim. Thanks so much for your response. We are, would you believe it, smack bang in the centre of Dublin, Dublin 2 to be precise. So a reclassification to regional certainly wouldn't be "not" relevant.

Of course it's at moments like these that the ernest submitter begins fantasizing that the Regional-Dublin editor is this relentless productivity engine who jumps on new submissions while the Business: Hospitality: Employment: Recruitment and Staffing guy is a joint toking bohemian slacker too chilled to chuck a submission over to this paragon of classification in Dublin. Although I'm sorely tempted to try a resubmission, to the regional Dublin section, I'll try to keep myself in check and hold off for the moment.

One peculiar psychological side effect to the process that I've noticed in myself is that my memory begins misreporting my memories, by that I mean I'm beginning to doubt whether I submitted correctly at all. Did the submit page complete properly? Did a "success" dialog appear at any stage? Did I even do this at all or did I simply mentally rehearse submitting our so much that I "think" I submitted it while in reality I didn't. I wonder whether this is merely a symptom of my own mania or whether it's a common experience, or eventually becomes a common experience after the passing of time. :)


Apr 7, 2011
re #5 & #6 :
Each editor has their means of choosing resources to list, so I can't say "no, being relatively new doesn't affect things", although it shouldn't...
Editors follow the editing guidelines, but personal judgment is always there (otherwise we would be machines?).
We look for useful content, so if the site has this, logically it will be listed, in the time-frame from the post above.
Personally, I've never looked to see how many years in advance a domain name has been paid for, as I can't see how this would affect a directory listing.

Thanks Elper. We'll keep the hands of the cheque book for another couple of months then.


Apr 7, 2011
Newness is generally only a factor for sites where content is gradually accumulated over time, such as forums, blogs, classifieds, and directories. For those types of sites, newness usually means lack of posts, threads, directory listings, etc, which also generally means insufficient content to be listed at the time. So, if your site is, say, a job posting site (like Monster or Workopolis) and you only have a few jobs listed, that may work against you. But if the site is for an actual employment recruiting company (which appears to be the case based on your post), the key content is information about the company itself, not how many job postings it has.

Thank you Motsa. The latter description describes us perfectly. Now I'm beginning to wonder "is our site copywriting sober enough." LoL. That's what happens to your brain after a while. Anyway, I think it is


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
So a reclassification to regional certainly wouldn't be "not" relevant.
Although I'm sorely tempted to try a resubmission, to the regional Dublin section, I'll try to keep myself in check and hold off for the moment.
It wouldn't be considered spamming for you to suggest your site to the appropriate Dublin category in addition to the submission you've already made to the topical category. So I wouldn't "hold off for the moment" were I in your position. :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
It might already be listed in Dublin/../City Centre because I processed all pending listing suggestions there recently. Have you checked?


Apr 7, 2011
It wouldn't be considered spamming for you to suggest your site to the appropriate Dublin category in addition to the submission you've already made to the topical category. So I wouldn't "hold off for the moment" were I in your position. :)

Thanks Motsa. I'm pretty pre-primed to accept your advice as every molecule in my body had been straining that way already. I didn't because I kinda assumed editor's inboxes could be getting hammered with multiple entry attempts and I wanted to differentiate ourselves from submitters who "demand service." I completely get that DMOZ is public service orientated and doesn't have any pact, Faustian or otherwise, with businesses. All that said we are relevant to the regional listings too, we do have a Dublin city centre footprint, but at the time, I originally submitted, my mind was running along topical lines. I think this is because I had spotted another Dublin based catering recruitment firm there already and figured this must be the right place to seek lodgings. Of course they (the other catering recruitment agency) could, with equal relevancy, go into a regional category instead of, or as well as, a topical one.

Taking your advice on board I think I will today, after giving the "DMOZ submission policies and instructions" another once over, attempt a regional submission to, as Jim suggests, Regional: Europe: Ireland: Dublin: Localities: City Centre: Business and Economy: Employment I kinda think we tick all the boxes for that one and I'll just keep the description sober and accurate.

Thanks very much for the heads up.

It might already be listed in Dublin/../City Centre because I processed all pending listing suggestions there recently. Have you checked?

Hi Jim. No it's not there, not yet anyway. I never, at least not till this morning, attempted a submission to the regional directories so perhaps that explains why it's not yet showing up. I'm giving it a crack shortly and I'll just hope for the best after that. If I make it in great, I'll be delighted, if I don't I'll just have to live with it and get on with other stuff (if only to take me mind off it :) ). Thanks again for all the feedback.
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