Activation email deleted in SPAM folder

Feb 25, 2013

I recently got approved is an editor for a category, but the activation email got caught in my SPAM filter and got deleted, because it was there for over 30 days.

Is there any way that I can have the activation mail resend?

Best regards,



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Not word for word, no. I've verified that your account is live so just visit the category and log in. I've asked our systems to send you a PW reminder.

If you haven't already done so, read the editor guidelines at

Oh, I seem to have the joining email template in my local files.
Reply-To: [your-address@your-domain.your-tld]
Subject: Open Directory application approved - editorname
Cc: (Open Directory Project)

NOTE: Save this message, it contains your username and password.

Welcome to the Open Directory Project!

Your editor login has been approved and created.

username: editorname
password: [password]

Editing in the ODP is a fun and interesting experience. Below are some pointers to help you get started.

Getting Started

To log in, click on the "Editor Login" link in the upper right hand corner of the main Open Directory page at Once you have successfully logged in, you will be at your Editor's Dashboard.

On the dashboard you will find a link to the ODP Directory Guidelines, which can also be found at It is very important that you read these before you begin editing. Your ability to follow these guidelines provides the basis for granting you additional categories, and for determining your ongoing participation in the project. The guidelines address issues such as editing and category basics, spamming, communication, conflict of interest and other important information.

Additional tips, advice and help can be found by following the "Editing Tips & How-tos" link on your dashboard. This area provides supporting documentation that explains editing in greater detail.

The "Tools for Editors" link provides addition information on using secondary editing tools that will help make editing easier and more efficient.

Forums and Communication

ODP editors talk to one another via internal message boards and feedback. The forums provide informal information about editing, and provide you with a 'lay of the land.' After you log in, visit the New Editors forum. It is specifically designed for newcomers with general questions.

The Open Directory Project is a community. It is important to have a critical eye for organization, as well as the ability to get along well with other editors. Communication is extremely important. Talk with other editors around you both via email and in the forums. If you are sharing a category with other editors, it is a good idea to inform them before making any major changes, to avoid unpleasant reactions.

The Big Picture

The Open Directory Project aims to build the most comprehensive, highest quality, and definitive catalog of the Web following an Open Source model.
The principal goal of every editor is to create an objective and useful resource for the Web community. The ODP exists as a non-commercial, end-user resource created by Web users for Web users. We do not bar editors with business affiliations, since those editors with their own sites usually know their competition and related sites better than anyone. This knowledge can be ideal for helping build an authoritative directory.

However, we will not tolerate editors who only add their own sites, add or promote their own sites unfairly, or maliciously interfere with others' listings in the directory. Editors should not designate their own site as a "cool" site. Editors should also be on the look out for abuse by other editors, and promptly report such cases using the abuse report form located at .We take abuse reports very seriously and will investigate each and every instance. We have a no-nonsense policy when it comes to abuse and spam. An abusive editor may have his/her account removed without warning and notice.

The ODP does not exist to meet the marketing and promotional needs of e-commerce. Unlike its commercial counterparts, the ODP does not advertise, promote or optimize websites for search engines. We believe strongly that a Web resource should give users what they want to see, and not what marketers, advertisers, and businesspersons think they ought to see.

For more information on the ODP's larger mission, please review our Social Contract with the Web community at

Copyright Information

Editors grant us a non-exclusive right to use and modify material (link descriptions, communications, directory organization, supporting documentation, etc.) they submit as necessary for the benefit of the directory. In turn, we provide non-exclusive, royalty free rights back to our editors for your personal contributions, so you can present your material to the greater Web community in other ways if desired.

Please be aware that the Open Directory has a strict policy against copyright infringement. Editors must take care not to copy any material from other sites that could be considered to be another person's intellectual property. This would include descriptions from other directories or search engines as well as hierarchy structures. (Note: It is usually ok to use quotes or excerpts from public web sites in descriptions or reviews of those sites.)

Thank you for volunteering to edit the Open Directory. If you have questions, bug reports or suggestions please post them in the appropriate editor forum.
Feb 25, 2013
Hi Jim Noble.

Thanks for your reply :) My problem is that I neither have my username nor my password. Is there anyway I can have that send to my email address again.

Thank you for your help :)

Best regards,



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
as jimnoble wrote he has send a password reminder to the email you used in the application
this email should have all the info you need


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
he has send a password reminder to the email you used in the application
...which is the same one that you used to register here - as is your username. We do double check stuff when it's a matter of security :).
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