A site will generally get listed in ONE category, considered by the editors to be the best one - submitting the site to multiple categories, or submitting individual pages will not in general get more listings - quite the contrary.
If the site is general about Yoga, then the general Yoga category is the best place for it, regardless of how active particular editors might be.
And to answer your other question, there are many reasons why an editor will move a site which does not belong in the category currently under review to the unreviewed list of another category...
1. The editor does not have editing privs in the destination category
2. The editor does not feel (s)he has enough knowledge of the target category to review the site there.
3. The editor is trying to sort through a particular category, "cleaning it up" of all the submission suggestions in there.
4. The editor does not wish to "give priority" to submitters that deliberately submit to categories with an active editor in order to bypass the system and get reviewed in the minimum of time, thus penalizing sumitters who follow the "rules".
In general, the more often editors need to "touch" a site, the longer it takes to finally get a review in its most appropriate cat. Therefore the advice we give, which is as much to save the submitter time as it is to save the editors time, is to submit ONCE to the most appropriate category.
there are many types of "review" too - an editor might just take a quick glance at a site to determine if it appropriate to the current category (is it in the right language, does it have the attributes necessary for that category) - this is often called "weeding" in categories - you do a preliminary scan throughg the sites in order to sort through what should get culled (ie is spam), what needs to be moved to another category, and what is correct for the current category.
Doing a full review, checking the site contents in order to edit the description, in general takes a LOT longer.
Does this clear things up a little more?