Active DMOZ editors



Is there a way to find out which are the most edited categories by DMOZ editors ? Our website has hundreds of quality content pages by the celebrated author Georg Feuerstein, which I want to see listed in the appropriate categories in DMOZ.


Mar 25, 2002
The best way to get listed in the most appropriate category is to actually submit it there.

Sorry if that sounds flippant - it's not intended to be. Submitting to a category that has a very active editor will cause that editor to spend some time looking at the site, and then moving into the unreviewed area of the category where it best belongs, where it will sit, waiting potentially a different editor's review.

So I hope you see that it really won't speed anything up - in fact, it might well slow things down, because TWO editors will need to look at it.

Hope this clarifies.


Why would the editor, after reviewing my site, move it to the unreviewed area of the category. I will, of course, be submitting to the relevant categories in the first place. The website is about Yoga, and covers a lot of disciplines under it, which do need more exposure in their relevant categories, and not the main category of Yoga.

So, if there was a way to know which categories are more actively reviewed, I would be increasing my site exposure in the most effective manner :)

Thank you for your reply.


Mar 25, 2002
A site will generally get listed in ONE category, considered by the editors to be the best one - submitting the site to multiple categories, or submitting individual pages will not in general get more listings - quite the contrary.

If the site is general about Yoga, then the general Yoga category is the best place for it, regardless of how active particular editors might be.

And to answer your other question, there are many reasons why an editor will move a site which does not belong in the category currently under review to the unreviewed list of another category...

1. The editor does not have editing privs in the destination category
2. The editor does not feel (s)he has enough knowledge of the target category to review the site there.
3. The editor is trying to sort through a particular category, "cleaning it up" of all the submission suggestions in there.
4. The editor does not wish to "give priority" to submitters that deliberately submit to categories with an active editor in order to bypass the system and get reviewed in the minimum of time, thus penalizing sumitters who follow the "rules".

In general, the more often editors need to "touch" a site, the longer it takes to finally get a review in its most appropriate cat. Therefore the advice we give, which is as much to save the submitter time as it is to save the editors time, is to submit ONCE to the most appropriate category.

there are many types of "review" too - an editor might just take a quick glance at a site to determine if it appropriate to the current category (is it in the right language, does it have the attributes necessary for that category) - this is often called "weeding" in categories - you do a preliminary scan throughg the sites in order to sort through what should get culled (ie is spam), what needs to be moved to another category, and what is correct for the current category.

Doing a full review, checking the site contents in order to edit the description, in general takes a LOT longer.

Does this clear things up a little more?


Apr 15, 2003
I have nothing to do with reviewing Yoga sites, but here is a general answer.

I get many sites submitted to one of my categories. Probably for the same reason, they think it's going to get edited faster becasue they see an editor name.

But anyone who takes the trouble to read the submittal guidelines for that area will see that sites for the most part are supposed to be submitted to the subcategories. So why don't I just edit it and move it - because I don't give preference to people who want me to do the work for them.

So as soon as I see it's the wrong category, I just push it to the next level down. Then when I've taken care of those sites that followed the DMOZ guideline ::
Identify the single best category for your site

then the ones that just dumped their sites in will end up getting reviewed eventually - it just might take longer. Is this fair, yes of course, if I have a hundred sites awaiting review in the right place, the if it delays someone else by a month, that's the consequences.

And the ones that I see had submitted to more than one category, get extra special attention, since I suspect they are trying to get more than one listing, I spend extra time reviewing and the chances of delay get higher, since I might have to talk to other editors.


Jan 23, 2003
has hundreds of quality content pages

Do not, repeat, do not submit them. Submit the top most page to the single category that best suits the overall website.

If someone dumped hundreds of pages, regardless of how relevant they thought they were, into one of the categories where I edit, I can assure you they would not be happy with the outcome. The submitter would, in my opinion, be spamming the directory.

Repeat after me: submit the single best page to the single best category.


repeating after you: submit the single best page to the single best category

but what about the mistakes i already made :( :( :(


Mar 25, 2002
Try again: Submit the TOP-most page (ie the "root" of your site, not the "best" page in your opinion), to the best category. :)

Actually, if you have already submitted then it will probably be dealt with by an editor.
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