Category Change

The deeplink to the celebrity_email.php page on your site is listed appropriately in Arts/Celebrities. That page hardly qualifies for a Reference/Directories listing. Your multiple requests were processed, the local editor did not move the site, and did not comply with your requests to change the title and description, as the page is described perfectly well.

If you want considered for inclusion in the Reference category, you should submit your main URL there. NOT a deeplink, like the currently in unreviewed is, but your main URL. Your main URL was deleted from unreviewed several times in various areas of the directory - we tend to list sites only once. Deeplinks to pages are the exception rather than the rule in the vast majority of ODP categories, so please don't submit any more deeplinks.

I am trying to remove the and have in the email directories section which our website is based on. We are focused on being the world's largest email directory and not on celebrity and hollywood information. I was under the impression that the main page was submitted rather than a deeper link. Let me know what the best process is for getting this done or if you can help with the situation. The title/description is fairly generic for our website and should work for either category.

Thanks again,

sounds good. I will leave the deeper link in since it represents unique content for that category. Yesterday I did submit to the email section. How long is the wait on that category currently?


May 26, 2002
If all the sites awaiting review are accepted into that category, the category will nearly treble in size (I only looked at the number, not the quality of the submissions). How long it will be before someone reviews all the sites there is anyones guess. Someone may decide to do it tomorrow, or it may be many months. Editors have no set pattern of editing, or workload requirement, they review what they want to do, and leave the rest in the queue. Sorry that I cannot be more specific [General Note: We don't treat this forum as an opportunity to 'jump the queue'. An editor will review all the sites there at the same, rather then go in just to clear one submission].
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.