Affliate Marketing




I just wondered if there is anything I can do to be included in the directory. I have lots of good sites, with unique content that get rejected due to my use of affiliates. There are loads of big sites that are listed that use the same ads that are already included.

Here are a couple of my sites. and

Thanks in advance


Mar 19, 2003
Splitting your content into multiple domains and submitting each one is not a good way to get listed - this may be considered as one form of spamming. Your main domain may be eligible for listing, but not any of the numerous subsites. See the dmoz guidelines here for more details.


Thanks for the response! However I haven’t split the content into multiple sites. Each site is about a massive subject area and warrants an entire dedicated site.

money-365 was added afterwards as a way of tying the sites together. I wouldn’t want to submit two sites about a similar area so I’d only submit the following sites.–

However they get rejected each time I submit them, and I can only assume it’s due to my use of affiliate marketing. I would argue that the independent and unbiased advice on my sites is more valuable than most of the sites that currently have an ODP listing.

If I stopped using the money-365 site as a way of tying each website together and made each one completely independent again would it help me get added into the directory?



Curlie Meta
Nov 24, 2003
If I stopped using the money-365 site as a way of tying each website together and made each one completely independent again would it help me get added into the directory?

No - because they are still the same business. You are better off with a central portal page.

As it stands, the main page 'may' be eligible for listing, but the others would not be.

If you submit all those sites, you will probably get yourself labelled as a spammer, and harm your chances of a listing :-(

However they get rejected each time I submit them, and I can only assume it’s due to my use of affiliate marketing. I would argue that the independent and unbiased advice on my sites is more valuable than most of the sites that currently have an ODP listing.

You would not be the first to argue that! Unfortunately 'independence' is kind of undermined if your advice is crammed full of affiliated links.

I'll try to give you some further information on the policies for your area, and what elements of your site could be causing problems.

Firstly, your credit card site is using's comparison engines? Since moneysupermarket are already listed - you are not adding any new content to the database in that area.

Please read the charter for the UK price comparison category here (Since your site is comparing financial products, that is where it would normally be placed):

Price Comparison Category Charter

You fall foul of the submission guidelines because whilst your sites are providing some unique content, they are not providing a unique price comparison engine, since you are using engines from other sites.

This poses a problem, since because your comparison engines are not unique, you are not eligible for listing in that category.

So if you aren't eligible there, your next best bet would be (for general consumer information sites):
Consumer Information category

In order to qualify for a listing there, you'd have to be providing sufficient independent advice.

I can certainly find some information on your site, which might warrant a listing. At the end of the day though, whoever reviews your listing has to be convinced that your site is an independent financial advice site AND not an affiliate farm. Given the level of submissions to the UK Business and Economy hierarchy, editors are not going to have very much time to make a decision on your content. So you are in danger of falling into the affiliate trap.

Think about your site from an editors point of view, we have to make a decision based on a fairly cursory scan of your website. So if at first glance your site looks like something, it will probably be deemed to be that thing.

So does your site at first glance look like an affiliate farm? I'm afraid the answer is yes. I agree it has unique content when you look deeper, but still that content is interspersed with affiliated links. I had to pick links with care to avoid affiliate filled pages.

My advice to you would be to try to make your site layout place more emphasis on the unique content, advice etc and less on the affiliated links, if you really want to get listed.



May 26, 2002
>> Each site is about a massive subject area and warrants an entire dedicated site. <<

Even if Walmart were to have multiple sites:,,, and so on, they still probably would not get multiple listings.

Check for yourself:


Thanks Andy

I really appreciate you taking the time to give me a genuinely helpful and constructive response. I will take your advice and continue to improve the sites with the aim of providing a better user experience which will make the sites suitable for inclusion in the ODP.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
...better user experience, which will make the sites suitable for inclusion in the ODP.

My first reaction was to heave a hornet's nest at your face, shrieking, "It's not the user interface that is the problem!"

But that might me slightly overreactive. So long as you keep in mind that what the user needs to experience is unique content in the form of proffering of unique goods and services, then that way of saying it is OK, although highly prone to misunderstanding.

You will be more safely and clearly led by the ODP submittal guidelines, which talk about "unique informational content." And THAT, in a shopping category, emphasises preeminent position of INFORMATION in the Open Directory.

Why is a shrouded affiliate sales site not listable? Because it contains LESS information about the proffer (that is, it doesn't tell who's really making it!) than the real seller's site.

Why is an honest publicly admitted affiliate sales site not listable? Because even though it's providing information about the proffer, the most authoritative place for such information is the real seller's site.

Why is a mixed genuine goods-and-services plus affiliate sales site rejected? See "shrouded affiliate" above. One of the most important pieces of information you can give is the actual provider of the goods and services. Is this unique not online sale? Kroger's supplies a tiny bit of their own product and mostly sells food produced by someone else, they still leave the original labels on the food they resell. Do you consider this a feature, or would you give as high a value (and pay as much) to someone who tore all the original labels off the cans and wrote their own in crayon? And if you complained about their labels, would you be mollified if they said, "oh, that new guy can't write very neatly. We'll get him a stencil.">

Just to emphasize, we're not asking you to buy a stencil. We're saying for the sake of honest disclosure, you need to provide the original labels on (containing that important information).


Thanks for your response

When I talk about user experience, I mean exactly that. I don’t mean UID issues, I mean the quality of the entire experience the user has when visiting the sites. We are working on making better sites with more emphasis on quality advice & content.

May I also add that the focus of the sites is completely on the subject area not the companies that provide products. For example the motor insurance 365 site has 70 pages of motor insurance advice & information and 1 page about the companies themselves.

If anything there isn’t enough company information on the sites.

Thanks for your advice and you can be rest assured we are working towards improving the “unique informational content”

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