after about 3 years awaiting listing


Jan 1, 2005
I am not sure whare to turn on getting listed. I have been trying and awaiting being listed in the directory for over 3 years. Can anyone offer help? I realize it may be that no editor is reviewing listings or just ignoring my request.

The site is <url removed>



Sep 5, 2008
I find it's because some editors are competitors so they instantly delete your website request making dmoz unfair and not worthy to it's users.

I have had the same problem. I have tried several times over a number of years to submit my site to dmoz . The category is very much relevant to my website and all the websites listed in the category operate the same way as my website. However for some strange reason they never accept my inclusion.


Sep 5, 2008
I forgot to mention i think dmoz should removed all editors and have it the same as yahoo directory making it fair competition for all.

If you do have problems submitting a site you should become an editor and report the other editor in the internal dmoz forums.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you're interested in Yahoo -- then Yahoo is there for you. There's no point in removing the unique elements of ODP to make another Yahoo, when the web already has a Yahoo perfectly well suited to all the people who want a Yahoo.

And if the ODP doesn't do what you need, nothing keeps you from checking out some of those billions of other websites in the world. Happy surfing!


Sep 5, 2008
what next?

I am having the same issue. I have requested a site to be included in the dmoz over a year ago. I know that I submitted it to the correct category. If you type condom or condoms in google india the site will be on the first page of search. No advertising on the site and the flash site is very well done with a lot of information. Not sure what to do. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


Aug 27, 2008
Is there a system to actually tell you if your site is still in the queue or was rejected? what about some sort of timeframe editors must edit their category by?

I see a lot of these types of questions here and would save a lot of bandwidth in these forums to have such a system... otherwise a webmaster is left guessing (especially those who never had their site listed previously)

Your sites could very well have been rejected or maybe no ones looked at it for years. I feel for you guys. Hopefully you get the help you're seeking.


Apr 5, 2004
I see a lot of these types of questions here and would save a lot of bandwidth in these forums to have such a system
Well yes, you'd certainly think that would save everyone a lot of time. :rolleyes:

The fact is that there are at least three comprehensive, long-standing, and public places which answer all these questions.

The problem is not that this information doesn't exist, and links are given to it many times every single day in this forum alone.
No, the problem is simply that people don't bother reading it.
(Or if they do read it, they ignore it because it doesn't fit with what they personally want the ODP to be.)


Aug 27, 2008
You're right that is the problem....people aren't reading it. Now that you have found the problem, perhaps placing a link to the answer beside the SUGGEST A SITE link would help.

This is just a suggestion because its very clear most people DO NOT search around the website to look for the answer that way. As much as you might hate that, its just human nature.

A link beside the SUGGEST A SITE link will reduce the inquiries to this forum and directly to editors...if not alot, at least somewhat.

Again, just a suggestion to make editors' life that much easier and nothing more. Instead of replying to repetitive forum threads, they can be editing.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Webfanatic said:
You're right that is the problem....people aren't reading it. Now that you have found the problem, perhaps placing a link to the answer beside the SUGGEST A SITE link would help.

This is just a suggestion because its very clear most people DO NOT search around the website to look for the answer that way. As much as you might hate that, its just human nature.

A link beside the SUGGEST A SITE link will reduce the inquiries to this forum and directly to editors...if not alot, at least somewhat.
You must have missed all the links that are already there. Or didn´t you read the text on our suggest a site page ;)
Please take a moment to review some of our submission policies and instructions. It is important that you understand these policies. Failure to understand and follow these policies generally will result in the rejection of a submission.
`submission policies and instructions` is linked to
On that page is a link `submiting a site` which links to

On the page to suggest your site a lot of the guidelines and procedures are also written in text. And at the end you have to confirm `I have read and understand the submissions guidelines, and I'm ready to submit my site`.

All information needed to succesfully suggest a site are presented when you suggest a site. What more do you want. If you even want to know more, as on almost all good sites, we have a ´help´ and ´about´ which are linked to from all DMOZ pages. It is al there for those willing to get informed.

Again, just a suggestion to make editors' life that much easier and nothing more. Instead of replying to repetitive forum threads, they can be editing.
Sorry, but me answering questions here does not interfere with me editing sites on DMOZ. If I wouldn´t be answering questions here I most probably would be doing something else but not editing at DMOZ.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
A link beside the SUGGEST A SITE link will reduce the inquiries to this forum and directly to editors...if not alot, at least somewhat.
I doubt it. Some folks are in such a headlong rush to suggest their websites that they don't even bother to read the form. I doubt they'd divert via an adjacent help link - which is already on the top of the category page anyway.

Again, just a suggestion to make editors' life that much easier and nothing more.
We have thousands of listing suggestions every day. We only get around 10 new threads per day here. Perhaps everybody else does take the opportunity to read the supporting documentation that's under their noses :D.

Instead of replying to repetitive forum threads, they can be editing
We have thousands of volunteer editors but how many regulars do you see here? I haven't counted but I suggest not more than ~20 per day. It might seem that I'm always here, but I'm not. I merely drop in from time to time as a break from other activities. Others would probably say the same.


Aug 27, 2008
pvgool said:
Sorry, but me answering questions here does not interfere with me editing sites on DMOZ. If I wouldn´t be answering questions here I most probably would be doing something else but not editing at DMOZ.

Sorry, i did miss that as its really been a while since i did a FRESH brand new website submission. My fault.

Nothing personal but when you spent time answering the question just now, you could have taken a look at the site in question or a category that has been neglected. That was my point.

Anyways, not saying you shouldn't have a life outside of DMOZ and believe me i understand your side. However, i do understand the webmasters frustration because, like many others, ive been through his situation before. (including not throughly reading through the TOS :p) Again, the suggestion was to put the STATUS OF SITE SUBMISSION link beside the suggest url link.


Aug 27, 2008
jimnoble said:
We have thousands of volunteer editors but how many regulars do you see here? I haven't counted but I suggest not more than ~20 per day. It might seem that I'm always here, but I'm not. I merely drop in from time to time as a break from other activities. Others would probably say the same.

Ok, fair enough :)


Apr 5, 2004
Now that you have found the problem
The problem of people not bothering to read has been known for many years. But despite our best efforts, there's not a lot we can do about their handicap. :rolleyes:


Aug 27, 2008
That's a bit of a harsh statement. I mean its human nature. Have you read every single T.O.S or guideline in your life? People rush through things when they do things sometimes, just like editors have done when reviewing sites. That is why we now have remote controls and typewriters and automobiles. We get lazy sometimes, plain and simple.

Anyways, my suggestion was more on the lines of an automated system you plug in the url and it returns an answer "REVIEWED AND DENIED" or "STILL WAITING FOR REVIEW". Don't know the time and effort that would take though...

There's clearly a reason why this category has the most threads.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Again, the suggestion was to put the STATUS OF SITE SUBMISSION link beside the suggest url link.
If you mean put a link to the FAQ entry here, that's not likely to ever happen. This is an unofficial site, not a site owned by AOL.
That's a bit of a harsh statement. I mean its human nature. Have you read every single T.O.S or guideline in your life?
Probably not, but if you don't read it, you shouldn't complain about it if you violate the terms or guidelines and experience consequences. It's kind of like saying "Well, I didn't read the highway code so I shouldn't get a ticket when I speed. You should have notices every 20 feet along the highway explaining the repercussions, not just the speed limit." :D
Anyways, my suggestion was more on the lines of an automated system you plug in the url and it returns an answer "REVIEWED AND DENIED" or "STILL WAITING FOR REVIEW". Don't know the time and effort that would take though...
That's covered in the FAQ here.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
my suggestion was more on the lines of an automated system
If you search this very forum, you'll see that the idea has been suggested and discussed many times. Currently, the conclusion is that we don't want to do it but that might change in the future. That would be an internal decision though.

Meanwhile, it's a complete waste of everybody's effort to repeat the same discussion interminably. Please don't attempt to continue it.


Jan 23, 2003
Nothing personal but when you spent time answering the question just now, you could have taken a look at the site in question or a category that has been neglected. That was my point.

Well you point was wrong.

The editors (active and otherwise) who respond here because that is what they want to do. It is part of the hobby.

There is no question like:
  1. Shall I answer forum posts (or)
  2. Shall I edit

The question is like:
Do I feel like:
  1. Answering forum posts
  2. Painting the basement
  3. Go shopping
  4. Take a nap
  5. Edit
  6. Practice marital relations
  7. Something else

There is only one obligation the editors have: follow the editing guidelines to the best of their ability and do nothing to harm the directory.

Reviewing suggestions is not part of the obligation -- is it but one task that editors are free to do, or not do.

Might be useful to actually understand how the directory works and how editors work before trying to lay a guilt trip on the editor community because they are not doing what you want them to do.


Aug 27, 2008
Actually SceptreGunner, the replies i see throughout the forums from you are rather rude (kind of an arrogant nature, but hey, thats your personality). I just want to make very clear my intention was not to lay any sort of guilt trip. Maybe you are feeling that, and sorry if you are taking it personal. You are more than welcome to finish up your basement or take a nap :D

The suggestion i made was, just that, a suggestion. It wasn't something i PERSONALLY care for. If the directory implemented that suggestion today, tomorrow, or never, it would make no difference to me.

MOSTA: Thank you for your reply. It was certainly the most useful one in this thread.

The truth is for every 2 or 3 bad things said about editors or how the directory is operated here, i can say 20-30 good things. The ones who take things personally should just chill a bit. :D
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