After rejection email


New Member
Dec 5, 2011
I'm new here and have just a simple question. I have been trying to submit my site and have it rejected. I understand the rules. My question is, after I receive the "unfortunate rejection in Dmoz", is that when i can reconsider choosing an appropriate category? That is, keeping in mind that I should submit only once to the directory, which I do, after the rejection e-mail, is that when I can try another category or will there be other factors that will suggest I shouldn't even bother submitting it again? If my PR on Google is 2 or even 3, I'm guessing my site is appropriate and designed to par and content relevant in my case. The only problem I think is stopping me is the category which is even strange to me because there are many sites like mine in that category. O.k enough with my ranting but please help. Thank you.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Hi, we don't do acceptance or rejection mails for site suggestions - you suggest, we store, and at some point an editor looks at the site, lists it / moves it / (or eventually deletes it if it is of a type that we do not list following our guidelines). Being a hobby, the delays for these actions are totally variable.

If the rejection was for an editor application, you should read the rejection letter and any reviewer comments carefully before reapplying. :)
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