alchemia - application status


Jul 7, 2002
You are really a bit early. We usually recommend to wait three weeks before inquiring here (most applications are processed in a much shorter time, though). But I understand that you're eagerly waiting to become an editor ...


My apologies... I was going by this:
"The review process
Each application is reviewed by an experienced volunteer editor - a meta or a category moderator (catmod). This can take anything from a few hours to several weeks."
I erred on the "few hours" side. <img src="/images/icons/blush.gif" alt="" />

Best Regards...


I just received a letter saying that I would not be approved.
"I am afraid we cannot accept your application at this time due to the titles and/or descriptions from your sample URLs."
I do not understand this since I looked at the style of other desriptions.
Here are the three sites I submitted:

1)Bergamont Station:
Provides a central location for Fine Arts and Photography galleries.

2)The Armory:
A community arts center that offers innovative approaches to creating, and presenting the visual arts.

3)The Brewery:
Large live/work art colony accomodating many artists and art related businesses.

Here are a couple examples from the category in the ODP:
1)Gallery Judaica - Extensive selection of limited edition, lithographed Ketubah in most texts.
2)Gemini G.E.L. LLC - Gallery featuring works by several artists.

I am not in any way affiliated with any of those sites. Honestly, I do not even know anyone who works there. They are simply important Art destinations here in LA.

Without sounding too conceited, I believe you are missing out on the possibility of having a very comprehensive LA Arts section that would cover traditional as well as current Art trends in Los Angeles. Links in that category are so not representative of what is happening in the L.A Art scene.

I also have problems with my keyboard (replacing it today) and hope I didn't have too many spaces or mistypes. The first time I filled the form, the browser froze and I had to reenter the information from the beginning.

I hope my application gets reconsidered. I believe I should be given a trial period and if I do not perform, hand me walking papers.

I straddle the Art and the Internet worlds and strongly believe that I am quite quali fied for the task (especially after I get a new keyboard!)

Anyhow, hope to hear from you...


May I reapply with better titles and a new keyboard?
<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Bergamot Station Arts Center

Armory Center for the Arts

That's better , methinks...
<img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Not only may you re-apply for the category in question but you are encouraged to re-apply for the category. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

When applying, please remember to disclose any and all affiliations you have with other sites. Also, make sure your titles are correct and that your descriptions tell what information the site offers.



Mar 25, 2002
&gt;&gt;I do not understand this since I looked at the style of other desriptions.&lt;&lt;

Sometimes this isn't good, because the descriptions may be out of date with the current guidelines. (If you are accepted, one of the things you'll be expected to do is check and review existing listings and improve them as required.)

A common, guideline compliant style is to use two sentences - the first describes the business, the second describes the website.

For example (and I'm just winging it)
The Armory:
A community arts center that offers innovative approaches to creating and presenting the visual arts. Includes show schedule, programs and classes, history, and virtual gallery.

Good Luck! <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
"innovative approaches"?

Thought experiment: divide the self-defined "innovative" groups from the self-defined "imitative" groups. Leave the label off of sites in the larger set, and include it only on the others.

"Los Idiotes Gallery -- just another knockoff of real creative artists. Includes ...."
"El Pretentiouso -- outmoded and obsolete presentations of passe art fads. Includes ..."

The latter set is in my experience empty. Our users can't go wrong by assuming that ALL organizations are vibrant! creative! innovative! mutual-admiration-bordering-on-idolatrous-communities of up-and-coming-artists-about-to-take-the-galaxy-by-storm! In their own brochures and websites, at least.

[Sorry, you tripped over one of my hobby-horses.]


Alright, alright!
I just returned from teaching a digital Art class sans new keyboard -- licking on wounds of rejection. First time I've ever been turned down for a job - quite sobering, needless to say.

I thank you all for the words of advice and censure. I'll pore over them further and be better prepared to reapply with a shiny new keyboard at my finger tips to complement the one shiny brain cell left in a cranium that has been very royally stomped on by a not-always-jolly green giant.

I shall return (-- she promises, as a salty stream corodes a languid path from radiated eyes, to settle snugly in craters of tattered flesh)

s l e e p

t h i n k

a w a k e

(don't EVEN call me a cry baby!!!)


May 26, 2002
I understand that some people get in on their first application, while others have to try several times before they really begin to understand the way the ODP works, and what is required to get the job done properly. Don't take it personally. The advice above looks like good advice as to the way that descriptions should be done now; and yes, there are many old descriptions that no longer conform. A rejection is just that, a one-time rejection for that application, not a ban on applying again. Have another go, reapply in a few days or so.


Okay, I just reapplied. Feel free to rip out my heart and feed it to the curs.
I'll just take the experience and make art out of it.



ALRIGHT then....

I quit! This should be an interesting art piece.

See you all on the WWW!

<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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