Almost losing hope.....


Nov 16, 2004
I have been trying to get my site listed on DMOZ for over two years. I have followed all the guide-lines, not submitted more than once every 4 months, but I have not received any response at all - not rejected, just ignored!

I presume the problem is because my particular category does not have an editor - and has not had one for over two years. I would gladly become an editor myself, but do not have the requisite three sites to submit.

Can anyone suggest a way of getting out of this impasse?


Aug 4, 2002
>>not submitted more than once every 4 months

There is no longer a need to resubmit, nor is it suggested as it may have been in the past:
Procedure After Your Site is Submitted
"Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites. Disguising your submission and submitting the same URL more than once is not permitted. If a site you submitted has not been listed after a month, you may check its status at the dmoz public forums.

>>my particular category does not have an editor - and has not had one for over two years

Resource Zone FAQ

There's no editor for my category - will my submission ever get reviewed?
"What you are seeing at the bottom of the category is that there is no editor named. This does not mean that a category gets no editor attention. Any editor "higher-up" the category tree can edit in a category lower down. In addition to this, there are two categories of editor, called Editalls and Metas who can edit any category in the directory. So yes, someone will eventually review every submission."

Please review the ATTENTION - Forum Guidelines - READ BEFORE POSTING and the FAQ for answers to your questions and how to post an inquiry regarding the status of your suggestion to the directory.



Mar 25, 2002
but do not have the requisite three sites to submit
You are not required to own three sites to become an editor. You have to suggest three sites that would be appropriate to the category. You don't have to be the owner of the three sites that you suggest. You might want to take a look at the Become an Editor forum, and the [thread=1289]FAQ and General Advice[/thread] thread.
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