Already listed - submitting to a different category allowed?

Mar 8, 2005
The forums on my site,, were listed under a topical chats and forums category where I initially submitted it. I was wondering if it was okay to submit the main page to its parent category despite the forums already being listed in a subcategory. I don't want to do anything that might be perceived as spam and/or get my current listing axed.

There is a slight chance I may have already done this when first submitting, but I don't believe I did, due to the same concerns I'm having right now. Thankee. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'd suggest filing an update listing suggestion -- suggest changing the URL and moving up a category, also changing the description to mention the non-chats-and-forums content on the site.
Mar 8, 2005
hutcheson said:
I'd suggest filing an update listing suggestion -- suggest changing the URL and moving up a category, also changing the description to mention the non-chats-and-forums content on the site.
Thanks, hutcheson, will do. I don't want to come off as greedy for multiple listings - I just feel that my site has a lot more offer aside from the forums. Though I'm confident most folks who come to the forums through my current listing will have no trouble finding the rest of the content.

For the record, I initally submitted to the forum category because the main content was rather thin at the time. It's beefed up considerably since then.
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