Alternative to DMOZ

Vlad Kors

May 3, 2017
Hello everyone, I want to inform you about the launch of the Bubblehunt search platform, which may be an ideal continuation of DMOZ development.
Why do I think so:
- in this search engine every user can add resources, that is, he acts as a content curator
- added pages are indexed and returned by the degree of relevance automatically
- each curator / group of curators can be as independent information providers

You can add resources by category, but thanks to the search engine, finding the information and resources is more convenient and easier.

We can create a special profile for DMOZ and the community or each curator can add resources from their own person having a special DMOZ badge.

In general, we do not need to transfer anything, we can index all the specified data and provide the necessary functionality.

I will be happy to discuss, what you think?


Curlie Meta
Jun 22, 2002
That's probably not appropriate but I will leave it to an admin to moderate in case there is some value. There's a duplicate in Russia too.

Added: The majority of your search results come from Wikipedia. I won't be using it.

Vlad Kors

May 3, 2017
Okay. Yes, there is a duplicate, if the moderator is comfortable in English - then I can delete the discussion in Russian.

Which query you entered?

Added: you can provide better results, add resources in your profile and give people better search experience, maybe you can recommend some interesting sites for your request


Curlie Meta
Jun 22, 2002
The entire internet is a better pool of resources than just one long article from W.
If I wanted to read 'experts' research' from W I would go to W. I don't understand why search engines are offering W results as their main results from the World Wide Web when they could just shut their doors and put a link to W instead (along with their paid results of course). They could lay off all their employees, save themselves millions (in the case of google) and give their surfers almost the same results. :)

Is it just me seeing this?

As for what, try most generic search terms, and in your case look under the 'web' results. First five queries - Afterlife, heaven, butter, milk all offering only results from W .. we had a nice departure for 'movies' going to the other mainstream poo site, IMDb.

Search engines have become commercial tripe. Always use a free human edited directory instead. We will be back. :)

Vlad Kors

May 3, 2017
Yes, I agree that getting results only from W is not right.

But I tried to search "butter" and got results not only from W, I got results from users, who select some recipes and other information about butter.

Absolutely agree, today search engines earn a lot of money. And on Bubblehunt we strive make every user a independent search engine, which in the future can earn money.

Because every user are best neural network in the world. For example: designer can select 1000 best information sources and provide awesome results about interesting topic.


Curlie Editor
Mar 30, 2017
I always like seeing a new search engine, so this is nice. Right now the results are on par with Exalead or Euroseek. Not bad, but I'd prefer results similar to Google or Inktomi. The results seem to be broken into topics, like Ask or Excite. I like that. Each topic is curated by a user; reminds me a bit of Bekko. I also like that. I'd still like a way to browse a list of topics, like DMOZ, Botw, etc. I don't see this as a viable replacement for DMOZ, but I'm generally in favor of more indexes.

As for Wikipedia is what it is. They have relatively long articles with natural sounding prose which won't set off spam filters anytime soon, and lot of people trust them so any popularity based-system (Backlinks, click-through rate, user votes, etc.) will result in a few Wiki links.

Bit worried about the money situation.
>And on Bubblehunt we strive make every user a independent search engine, which in the future can earn money.
Getting a bunch of users and then trying to capitalize off market share sounds like something from 1996.

Vlad Kors

May 3, 2017
I incorrectly put it, we do not think to do it: get a lot of users and then earn on it.

We want to give a tool where every user can become a center of information. Imagine the situation, you enter a query, and you get results by a real doctor, a programmer, a professor ... and this is what already exists.
And when user create search - we can (in the future) add referral programs and other. Example: I create search, tell about this to my friends and they can buy from sites some products, books, ... with discount, because in my search working referral programs. I can say them: "Hey, use my search - you get discount!"
This help me to developing my search, earn money, my friends can buy (or other action) with discounts (or other profit) and all are happy.

And Google indexes the entire Internet, and we index only the best part.

Added: And I think main problem of DMOZ - users don't want to search in directories right resource. They want enter request and get results. And we offer search system for DMOZ, if it is not needed, there is no problem. ;)
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Vlad Kors

May 3, 2017
User - is the best neural network in the world. And imagine if Johny Ive (Chief Design Officer, Apple) recommend you for your request about design some information. You think it will be good information? I think yes.
And we indexing only this qualified resources. Without SEO spam, doorways, fakes and other trash.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I like this initiative. Promises are good. Hope you will succeed. Not as follow-up of DMOZ but as a tool next to it.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Moving to the Member's Lounge (as it's not really about the directory) - and wishing you luck on the project :)


New Member
May 18, 2018
Очень круто! Регистрация на выбор: через аккаунт твиттера, фэйсбука или гугла происходит быстро. Минимум настроек. Сразу после регистрации можно приступать к созданию собственной поисковой базы. Урлы добавляются автоматически и почти мгновенно появляются в поисковой системе. За 10 минут добавил десяток своих сайтов. Поддерживаю проект!
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