Am I an Affiliate site?


May 4, 2005
Hello, I run an Asian, cult, horror, etc. movie review site. I have one affiliate link banner to my ISP provider on my home page, and on the review pages I have links to buy that movie from a particular online supplier. (I've made $6 so far!)

I'm a little worried whether or not I am considered an affliate site. As far as I can tell, each review page is unique content. I just hope one day to make a few dollars to help pay for hosting (and new movies!)

Thanks very much. (I did try a search, but my eyes are getting bleary).

Also, I hope this was the right category: Top: Arts: Movies: Cultures and Groups: Asian

You probably don't have time to check the site, but if you do it is at:



Jan 23, 2003
Well, since you took that news reasonably well, and remained civil (which is a rarity) let me give you a bit of generic fatherly advice. Keep in mind that I have not looked at your site.

Being declined for lack of unique content is one of the few reasons for rejection that a webmaster can reasonably address. If you are a mirror, or an affiliate farm, you are pretty well doomed, but lack of unique content can be addressed by simply adding lots and lots and lots of unique content.

Write your own material, don't borrow from other website, dig and scratch for information to add. Don't lift anything from other websites.

So how much is enough? Use the rule of three. Figure out how much you have now, and triple it. If you get turned down again for lack of unique content, triple it again. Keep tripling and if lack of unique content is the sole reason, you'll eventually have enough. If you are writing about the mating habits of left-handed Panda bears, the minimum threshold is much lower than if you were writing about the mating habits of Justin Timberlake.

I know this sound like it is a bit of a moving target, and it probably is, but from an editor's perspective, [male chauvanist pig mode on] uniqie content is like a beautiful woman, we may have a hard time defining what is beautiful, but we certainly know a beautiful woman when we see one [male chauvanist pig mode off].

Hope this helps.


May 4, 2005

Thanks for the response and advice. My site is as I described, no mirrors (or smoke) and as I am only one person, I'm doing my best just trying to build up a review database and hoping to add more features later.

I guess I thought that a person's original review would be enough to qualify as unique content, however, if you consider the ammount of review sites out there, Asian cult or not, then perhaps it is not that "unique", and I misunderstood the meaning, as you use it.

I will take your advice and post 3 pics of left-handed Panda bears mating as I understand this ensures that you are obligated by law to then list me. :D

Seriously, I will get back to work and continue building my site, and unless you say otherwise (I'll check back here) I will assume that it is OK to reapply at a later date.

Cheers, and thanks again. :)


Jan 23, 2003
Yes, declined for lack of unique content is not a prejudicial dismissal. When you have built up your content, then you may submit again. Bookmark this thread!


May 4, 2005
Goodbye for now


I bookmarked this thread. I shall return, though it will be a while, as I'm trying to think up a more professional-looking design layout as well as follow your suggestions.

To anyone else reading this drama unfold, it seems to me that ODP is a great resource, and a big help for Google (I assume), but even without it, I sometimes even rank on the first page of returns on Google (for more obscure movie titles only, but it's happened!) and have a feeling that there are many other ways to increase your SE placement, especially relevant links to your site. I show up all the time on the first page for Yahoo, and Google just takes a bit more work - and I haven't even started promoting my site yet (I only have 2 links back to me).

This may be off topic, but I've notice a lot of what reads like near despair at getting denied. I really want to be listed on ODP too, definitely, but if it doesn't happen, there ARE other ways. Don't depair.

Sorry, that's kinda cheesy,

Peace all,
Over and out.


Apr 13, 2005
lack of unique content? and lots of content ? im lost


I am not picking bones just a little confused, but that doesn't take a lot :)

1, one of you said a lack of unique content and then someone said just a lack of content, so what one should it be unique or lots? and when you talk about content is that on the main page or all of the pages, as my site has very little content on the main but every page around 100 has contents.

Again with my site i have lots of contents but spread over many pages eg, main, about us, shipping and of course each item i sell, if you think it should be the main page, doesn't too much content on the main page put people of and make the site look over crowned and ugly? has an ex partner said once its not how much you have its how you use it ;)

Last question

When you say content are you talking about text, images or both.

As i said in the beginning this is more of picking your brains than your bones.

Kind regards



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
When we speek of "enough content" this mean
- on the site as one complete unity
- unique, as in not found on other sites
- it can be text, pictures, movies, a database with product information, just anything you can publish on a website

Hope this will clear the brains ;)


Apr 13, 2005
Thanks PV

thats what i was hoping you would say, as i have little to none on the main page but lots every where else,

But again sorry to ask "unique" at a guess there is a billon site and to find unique text and so on would be hard, but i know what you are talking about eg: the whole package ? yes ?

my site only sells blah blah up to 24 mts old and the whole package is designed like no other site i could find, but saying that it still looks like a clothing website so would that be classed as unique?

As you can see 1, i like to ask lots of questions ( knowing is a great gift) 2, I have little going on in my life :)

Thanks again



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
For a site selling stuff it is important that YOU sell and ship the stuff. If you just take the orders and let some other company do the actual selling and shipping we won't list the site. Unique = you are offering the service.


Jan 23, 2003
Generally speaking, when we discuss unique content, we are talking about the content, not the design.

If you and billybob both have websites, and you both sell popcorn that Fred makes, your website must have significantly different content than either fred or billybob. It is not enough that billybobs site is blue and your is red, or that you use frames and fred does not.

This can be hard, because you are essentially selling the same stuff. We are looking for descriptions, videos, sound tracks, photos that are different than what either billybob or fred have -- not just the same stuff reordered and repackaged.

you don't "find" unique content on the contant that you can incorporate into your website -- you create unique content.


Apr 13, 2005
spectregunner said:
Generally speaking, when we discuss unique content, we are talking about the content, not the design.

If you and billybob both have websites, and you both sell popcorn that Fred makes, your website must have significantly different content than either fred or billybob. It is not enough that billybobs site is blue and your is red, or that you use frames and fred does not.

This can be hard, because you are essentially selling the same stuff. We are looking for descriptions, videos, sound tracks, photos that are different than what either billybob or fred have -- not just the same stuff reordered and repackaged.

you don't "find" unique content on the contant that you can incorporate into your website -- you create unique content.

Thank Gunner

If i sell lots of items and a few items i sell have the same content as the supplier because thats the only way i can word them, But my items are cheaper ;) than the suppliers own website who sell direct to the customer as well not just wholesale. and my images are larger does that make an differance ?



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
No. Price isn't an unique feature for us. Neither is size of pictures or text.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Images larger -- no, no difference.

Prices cheaper -- we'd like to say that makes a difference. We used to say that makes a difference. And ... then vstore, curse their black devious hearts, noticed their dozens of daily doorway spam site submittals were getting rejected. As a reaction, they started tweaking the prices on their doorways to make them LOOK unique (even though they were all still advertising vstore's mail-order services.) We had to change our attitude. (Towards different prices, nothing vstore could do would change our attitude toward them.) So: different price doesn't make a difference anymore.


Jan 23, 2003
If i sell lots of items and a few items i sell have the same content as the supplier

If you are selling 1,000 items and the description of 3 of those items is the same, then we probably would not see a problem. The larger the second number in relation to the first, the greater the problem -- and no, you can't pin us down to specifics, because the instant we give a hard number we'll get flooded with submission that have one less that than number.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Bear in mind that we don't check every description -- we just look at a small sample.


Apr 13, 2005
prices ect

thank you for all of your replies,

I can see why you do not take price anymore, as we do have some cheats in this great world of ours, the problem i can see with my site is that i sell around 40 pairs of shoes all the same maker,leather an so on, the only differance is the patten, and by what you are saying i would have to change most of them, and that would take all the time in the world.

To be honest im new at all of this and just getting the site up and running has taken me months and lots of hours working through the night, so when it came down to the small details i just skipped it, click and copy was a lot quicker, but i guess if i really do want to get listed with domz then back to the drawing board for me.

Again thanks for you time and expert advice( i can see you are very busy bees)

Kind regards

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