Am I blacklisted


May 12, 2004
I am not asking where the status of my site is because that is against the rules.
But, I just want to know if I am blacklisted, because for some reason I can't get either of my 2 sites listed. I posted 1 site a couple of days ago, again.
I know it takes longer than 2 days I know, but I tried let’s saying about a year ago to get it approved and never did. If for some reason I'm banned I would like to know so I quite wasting my time and yours.



Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
We won't tell you :D .

If you haven't committed any heinous crimes against the directory and your site is listable, we'll get around to reviewing it in time. I advise patience :) .


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, there's no way to "try to get approved". There's only a way to "let editors know about a site on a subject."

It is not unusual for it to take longer than a year for an editor to work on a subject, especially if the subject is a very competitive one (as many generic business categories are.)

You mention "two sites" and the one you name is obviously a business site...multiple business sites from the same entity is something that COULD cause all sites related to that entity to be rejected, but I doubt if that has happened here. Is there a reason we'd WANT to ban the site?

But whether or not you've ever been "banned" (assuming of course that we had a way to do that)... you can stop wasting your time and ours right now: there's no need to wait until you are banned for that.(*) If you've followed the submittal policy (submit once, wait, submit a second time in case the first one didn't go through), then you've done all you can to help us: the next step is up to the volunteer editor.

The point to carry away is: the submittal policy is always your best guide to what will be the most effective way to submit your site. You don't need more specific information, and you can't use more specific information to design a better submittal policy.

(*)I should mention, I have no reason to think you have been wasting anyone's time. But if you're about to do something that you think would, then just don't.
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