Am I doing something wrong?

I have been trying to get a site listed since the beginning of the year. I believe that I have done everything according to the guidelines, but I don't know where to go from here. I did notice that the category the site should be listed in does not have an editor. Would this have an impact of getting listed?

If you could advise me as to what to do next, I would really appreciate it.



Mar 26, 2002
"Blue Wonder Cloth" looks like an MLM business, and thus should be listed under Business/Opportunities/Networking-MLM/; it won't get listed anywhere else.

ODP meta editors have decided to remove all independant representative/distributor sites (see this thread). Since your site seems to be the primary/central site for this MLM business, it can get a listing; either make this clear on your front page, or clearly note this in the description that you submit.

Thanks for your reply. The site and the company is not an MLM business. And, I am only a distributor trying to sell the product online.

I had put a link regarding distributorships because I was getting inquiries with respect to this, and this was an easy way to field questions. However, I have since removed this link.

Will this now enable me to get listed in the appropriate category according to the product? If not, please advise as to what else I would need to do.

You assistance is appreciated.


Mar 26, 2002
<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>The site and the company is not an MLM business.<p><hr></blockquote>It seems rather MLM-ish to me:
  • You get money for signing on new distributors.
  • You can only become a distributor by signing on with an existing distributor.
  • You get going by either buying a starter kit or by buying a certain amount of the merchandise.[/list:u]The only thing missing that a true MLM has is getting a cut of the revunes from your recruits. However, this is probably (probably) close enough to an MLM for the purposes of ODP's Business/ and Shopping/ editors. In fact, I'm guessing that the primary reason for getting rid of the MLM individual representative sites is that there's a bunch of different people selling exactly the same stuff. If they listed your site which sells Blue Cloth products, they'd have to list the hundred other sites which sell the same product, which means a lot of non-unique content.<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>However, I have since removed this link.

    Will this now enable me to get listed in the appropriate category according to the product?<p><hr></blockquote>Actually, it might reduce your chances of getting listed, as it might appear that you're attempting to hide information about your business.<blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr><p>If not, please advise as to what else I would need to do.<p><hr></blockquote>Since you have an MLM-ish business, I don't think there's anything you can do to get it listed.
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