am i going to get rejected

i applied to be an editor in Regional/NorthAmerica/UnitedStates/Massachusetts/Localities/P/Peabody/ and the 3 web sites i suggested 2 had to do with
the internet and the other was a resturaunt that belong in the catagories like business and the other one in entertainment actually the 2 could go in comuters/ or internet some where too but are headquartered in peabody
anyway am I going to get rejected because they specifically
belong in like peabody/business or did applyng for peabody cover whats under it <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
As to whether you will be rejected, I cannot say.

As to whether permission to edit "Elbonia" includes its subcategories: yes, it does. And sites that should go in subcategories are acceptable. Two caveats:

Often, categories with subcategories will be considered too large for a beginning editor. This may not be true for a small town -- with maybe 10 sites, and two subcategories simply because there is a @link farm at the state level.

If you suggest sites for subcats, note which subcat you think they belong in -- this will tell the meta-editor that you understand what you were doing.

nevermind my attempt has been in vain i have been rejected <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
I have not seen your editor application (those are only dealt with by Metas) but I can see several obvious reasons that you may have been rejected for, purely from reading what you have written here; and it has nothing to do with the sites that you submitted. There may be other factors involved of which I am not aware, but I think that most current editors will spot what the problems are very quickly.

could you tell me what they are <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />

i applied
i suggested
that belong
in entertainment actually the
comuters/ or internet
some where
in like peabody/business
whats under it

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

you got me their. well thanks for the quick reply on the application anyways it took like 15min <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
&gt; am i going to get rejected

Very likely.

This does you no favours at all (posted after gimmster gave you big hints as to the problem):

&gt;&gt; you got me their. well thanks for the quick reply on the application anyways it took like 15min &lt;&lt;

In your four posts, so far, you have used a total of _ONE_ full stop, asked three questions all without question marks, and the only capital letters you have used are the ones that you cut and pasted for the category name of where you submitted. If you did this to any sites that you reviewed for the ODP as an editor, you would be crucified not just by the other editors, but by the submitters as well. I am sorry if this is a bit harsh. Every single site edit done on the ODP is logged, so it does not take very long to trace back and find out who is responsible for what.

See also:;Board=status&amp;Number=3634 and;Board=submissions&amp;Number=6122.

what a way to beat a dead horse giz anybody have any more shots <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
Like everyone else, I don't know why your specific application was rejected, but I'd like to offer some (hopefully) constructive suggestions.

Since it sounds like most of the sites you suggested would fit in .../Peabody/Business_and_Economy, which is a small enough category (with some potential, and with no subcats), why don't you try applying for that? You might want to try writing the descriptions in a word processing program, so you can use the spell-check function (and grammar checker, if there is one) before pasting them into the application form. And don't forget to look over the Editing Guidelines; good style and content is likely to make a big difference.


The Open Directory relies on its editors to have good spelling and grammar. If this isn't one of your stronger points, than I reccomend that you consider a different project to work on. I don't mean to be pointed, that's just what the guidelines state, and they are written by the staff and the metas.


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
what a way to beat a dead horse

A decision regarding your editor status is never final.

Even if you have been rejected, you can still reapply and try again, if you're willing to take constructive critics to the heart and improve your editing. :)

Due to the fact that decisions aren't final, I won't call anybody a "dead horse" <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

I thank you all for you criticism it has been a learning experience.And I will work on my grammar an little more
and try again in a couple of months.many thanks for the textual tongue lashing
<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


See? You're doing better already. <img src="/images/icons/laugh.gif" alt="" />

Still needs a bit of work but... Better. <img src="/images/icons/crazy.gif" alt="" />

I thank lachenm and the rest for beingh positive about being an editor (even though i cant type worth @#*&amp;@#)
so lets move on and stop taking up disk space <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

Dammm!!!! <img src="/images/icons/mad.gif" alt="" /> I forgot to use my text editor.(AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH)
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