another non added site...


Feb 18, 2009
I read that there are many people having problems with their websites and reasons why they are not published are not really clear...

I would like to say that I added our site, <url removed> several years ago. I retried some months ago. Without luck... The site is one of the most important community pages in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt, with the biggest job market in town and many other interactive pages... I do not see how validation could be content related and our page does not get through.

Also I see that the section for Sharm el Sheikh is completely outdated. The sites mentioned are old and new ones cannot be found.

Any answer why editors do not update sections???
And may be some advice what could be done to get added?
Who are your editors for this region, are they familiar with the area, are they independent?


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

Some volunteer will process your listing suggestion in time but we can't predict who or when that might be. Elapsed times can range from a few days to a few years. There is no need to re-suggest your website and doing so could be counter-productive because a later suggestion overwrites any earlier one.

With that background in place, I can now try to answer your questions.

Any answer why editors do not update sections???
Usually, it's because nobody has volunteered to do so.
And may be some advice what could be done to get added?
You've already drawn your website to our attention by suggesting it. You need do no more.
Who are your editors for this region, are they familiar with the area, are they independent?
Well over 200 editors have permissions to work in that area so answering your question is impossible.


Apr 5, 2004
Hello sharmwomen

You will find the answers to your questions in the FAQ linked at the top of this forum, but the ODP is a directory built and maintained by volunteers as a hobby.
It is not a listing service for webmasters, and we find sites in all sorts of places, including the pool of suggestions made by people like yourself. But there are no time frames or requirements for editors to do anything other than what they choose to do (within the guidelines of course).

So your site will very likely be reviewed at some stage, but we cannot say when or by whom that will be. Thank you for suggesting it.

<Darn speedy Jim :) >


Feb 18, 2009
Hello jimnoble and makrhod,

I appreciate your replies. I am aware that it is not a free listing for webmasters. I was in general wondering, as an important open source project, you should have an interest in sites which are important for certain communities. Beside my own site I also find that the full section is not updated. This is rather a pity.

I know what work is involved but editors if they commit should also have a certain responsibility. I believe...

But fine... may be one day someone can look into the section of Sinai and Sharm el Sheikh. It seems this booming area is a bit neglected.



Apr 5, 2004
editors if they commit should also have a certain responsibility. I believe
Absolutely. All editors are expected to follow the guidelines and policies of the ODP as they undertake the variety of editing tasks involved in building and maintaining the largest human-edited directory. Quite a big responsibility, really, but fortunately it is also an interesting and enjoyable way to spend some of our spare time. :)

However, volunteers are not responsible to webmasters, so although we welcome suggestions of sites for review, there are many other ways we can build and improve the directory. How we spend our hobby time is of course our own choice, just as it is for everyone.

<Jim we have to stop meeting like this ... LOL>


Feb 18, 2009
makrhod said:
However, volunteers are not responsible to webmasters, so although we welcome suggestions of sites for review, there are many other ways we can build and improve the directory. How we spend our hobby time is of course our own choice, just as it is for everyone.

<Jim we have to stop meeting like this ... LOL>

I absolutely agree... Thanks. And despite my criticism I appreciate your work and know how much time things like that need.

But may be also my point was made clear and one day also more remote areas, which I do not feel we are, will be considered better. I just think our area is not represented the way it has grown in the last years. I am pretty sure there must be a few sites pending for validation. Cheers and enjoy your day/ evening, depending on where you are... :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
sharmwomen said:
But may be also my point was made clear and one day also more remote areas, which I do not feel we are, will be considered better.
They will be considered if an editor is willing to look at them.
It could be someone who is already an editor.
Or it could be a new editor. If you think this category could need some attention and you are willing to follow DMOZ guidelines you might be that person. So why not apply for an editor position?


Feb 18, 2009

Thanks, pvgool... I did apply now, but was not really sure which URLs were requested. Sites which I would like to add or sites which I think would be of interest for that section?... of course I will not add other people's site, so I decided for the first version. There are of course many other sites which I believe are worth being validated (assuming that some are pending)...

Let's see what happens now. I read here that becoming an editor is another frustrating issue. But let's see first.


Apr 5, 2004
not really sure which URLs were requested. Sites which I would like to add or sites which I think would be of interest for that section?
Well, both, actually. Hopefully you would want to add only those sites which are of value to the category. ;)

The application is your opportunity to show how you would build the category by adding worthwhile sites with sufficient unique content to make the category a more useful resource for everyone.
It is a primary role of editors is to find such sites and add them - the suggestions made by other people (what you referred to as "pending") are nothing more than one place to look, but usually there are far more productive places to search for good sites. Suggesting 2-3 of these on your application shows that you can easily find them, that you understand what belongs in the category, and what sort of sites we list. :)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
sharmwomen said:
of course I will not add other people's site,
Hmm. What else do you think editors do. We continously add sites of other people. If you only provided your own sites in the application it will certainly be rejected.


Feb 18, 2009
pvgool said:
Hmm. What else do you think editors do. We continously add sites of other people. If you only provided your own sites in the application it will certainly be rejected.

Honestly speaking I thought editors do edit what has been added by webmasters. Therefore I did not think to take the right to add somebodies site in my application. And as mentioned before try to find pages which match into our category which might be placed somewhere else. Why than so many sites are missing... Google has all of them, so easy to add them.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
It is just a matter of available resources. Editors being interested in a subject enough to want to build a category and the time they are willing to spend. With around 5 to 6000 active editors at this moment and some 590.000 categories it is impossible to keep all categories constantly upto date.

O, and not all sites that can be found on search engines are listable. To be honest most of them aren't. Although it varies greatly between different subjects.


Feb 18, 2009
pvgool said:
O, and not all sites that can be found on search engines are listable. To be honest most of them aren't. Although it varies greatly between different subjects.

of course I know that... but as to our area the main pages can be found through the search engines and are not listed on dmoz... very honest, informative sites... to me the dmoz listing looks old and not updated for that category.

May be you can answer a question which I asked at a different thread already? As to Sharm el Sheikh and Sinai no editors are mentioned, does that mean there are none????

Also I believe there are more and less important categories... If you say there are 590,000 definitely it needs lots of work to edit those.
But I cannot agree that we belong to those minor important ones. Sharm is one of the major tourist destinations for Europeans... and with constant world high ranking peace meetings always in the media.

The only explanation would be that there are no editors... :icon_ques


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> But I cannot agree that we belong to those minor important ones.
It all depends on who you ask.
Editors only work in categories they are interested in. This is not influenced by how important people outside DMOZ think a subject is.

> Sharm is one of the major tourist destinations for Europeans...
> and with constant world high ranking peace meetings always in the media.
To be honest. I have never heard of Sharm before. And I am a European.

> The only explanation would be that there are no editors...
No, the explanation is: there are no editors interested enough in that category. They are all busy doing what they like to do in the categories they like to work in. Maybe tomorrow one of the editors will be interested or maybe none will be for the next year. We realy do not know. I don't even know in which categories, if any, I will be editong tomorriw. Let alone that I could predict what other editors will be doing.


Feb 18, 2009
pvgool said:
To be honest. I have never heard of Sharm before. And I am a European.
Well, it seems you are Dutch... there are plenty of flights to Sharm. Bush, Clinton and all European prime ministers and presidents come regularly here. Blair is coming since he was PM and is still. Sarkozy was here with Carla before marrying (was a big media event)...
And with 4 Hiltons, 2 Marriotts, 3 Maritims, Hyatt, Four Seasons and hundreds other Hotels it is also definitely a touristic area usually known.
Anyhow., has nothing to do with the subject, but I assume you will remember next time when you hear Sharm el Sheikh. For sure one of the next peace talks will be here... :)
Plus there is Dahab which is also growing just an hour away. This category is not even mentioned.

Thanks for your answer also on the other thread. Let's see. As I am interested in the area, may be my application can be excepted.;) Especially as it sounds like others are not. First editors mentioned for this category are on Africa ... and just two names... Egypt has no editor? Sounds a bit too big area...


Apr 5, 2004
First editors mentioned for this category are on Africa ... and just two names... Egypt has no editor
Perhaps you have not read the other replies to you on this subject?
They explained that there are over 200 volunteers who can edit anywhere in the directory, if they feel like it.
Plus, any editor higher up the branch can edit in categories lower down, as pvgool explained in detail here.

To repeat:
  • the fact that an editor's name appears at the bottom of a category does NOT mean that is the only person who can edit there, OR that it is the only place they can edit.


Feb 18, 2009
Thanks again, but I understood that and had read that. But I assume the higher on the ranking the less interest someone will have to edit a small, unknown (as I realized now ;)) area like ours... Cheers and thanks to all those replies... I appreciate that you keep on replying to the same kind of questions...
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