ANother Plead for Help - almost 4 Years trying


Oct 5, 2009
Like everyone else here, I am at wits end for HOW to ever get listing in DMOZ.
For about 4 years I have been trying to no avail. I always hear do NOT submot more than once. However, if after 6-12 months still no listing the entry obviously is lost into a black hole anyway. I was recently told to try different categories as many categories have no editor. So I tried every 6 months or so a different category, no luck either.

Then recently while using SEO for FF, I noticed my competitor has SIX DMOZ listings! Yikes no wonder he is #1 for my most important keyword. So, I tried something that will probably get my site banned forever by DMOZ, but I figured Zero times Zero is still Zero. So nothing to lose at this point. I submitted to about 4 different categories at once to see if any possibility an editor might actually see it. I know I am not suppose to do this, a BIG NO NO In DMOZ, but after fours years trying, I've got nothing to lose anyway. Thanks for any help.



Apr 5, 2004
if after 6-12 months still no listing the entry obviously is lost into a black hole anyway.
Absolutely wrong: see the FAQ.
I was recently told to try different categories as many categories have no editor.
Also completely wrong. See the FAQ again.
So I tried every 6 months or so a different category,
Why on earth would you deliberately go against the specific instructions on the suggestion form? These explain very clearly what can happen:
You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed. ... Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
It constantly amazes me that people somehow think these rules do not apply to them. And of course by deliberately creating unnecessary work for volunteer editors, you have effectively diverted our time from building the directory. Thanks indeed. :rolleyes:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Then recently while using SEO for FF, I noticed my competitor has SIX DMOZ listings! Yikes no wonder he is #1 for my most important keyword.

This may come as a terrible shock to you, but there isn't an ODP editor in known space who will care whether you or some other person is #1 for a keyword, no matter how important it is to you. Indeed, if adding another competitor to the ODP leaps his website past yours on the search results ... the editor wouldn't even notice.

In fact, 99.99999% of all ODP edits will make some OTHER website more visible, at the expense of yours. Yikes indeed!

In this bleak picture, the one tiny glimmer of good news is this: when an editor reviews your site, if it turns out to be listable, the editor will add it to the directory EVEN IF THAT HELPS YOUR SEARCH RESULTS. Not, of course, because he cares about your search results, but because he really doesn't know what effect that edit will have.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
I noticed my competitor has SIX DMOZ listings
If you find any abusive listings (which in this case means: listed in irrelevant categories, listed more than once in the same category/branch, keyword stuffed or hyped titles and descriptions), please report this in the abuse form...
We make checking and fixing issues like these a priority.

PS: Obviously, the more information you provide in a report, the better. Also, if a competitor, please mention it clearly otherwise someone could get the wrong idea.
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