Anti Competitive Editor should be penalize!!!


Nov 22, 2004
I had two website submitted almost year ago.
None of them are included in the DMOZ category.
Today after doin a research i found why....
Editor of both the category owns the website like me and don't include my website because they don't want to have competition.
I know i have the read the thread here about "no such thing as competitiive website"
But I think they are banning me for selfish and avoid competition even though my website has more content and info.
Why do i think this?
At one major category the editor has only two website in which both are own by him :( if this doesn't prove bias than what does it prove?
At second major category the editor include two same website he owns with different domain names and he/she editor pick his own website as "PICK OF THE CATEGORY" (the yellow star")
I have also SOLID proof the both "editor" owns the website I am talking about above. If any meta-editor willing to look at his issue please PM me

I think such editor should be penalize by not only remove them as editor but also delete their website they own from dmoz.
Why? Because webmaster like me wait years to get listed on dmoz and when such selfish editor behave such way they should be penalize. :mad:
I submitted both the editor to "REPORT ABUSE" but no action was taken :(.
And I don't know "who to contact" to add my website even thought i submitted a year ago. This is makes me sad and angry.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You just submitted the report -- give the meta editors time to actually investigate before you start complaining. If any action needs to be taken, then it will be taken. There's nothing you can do beyond what you did...file an abuse report.

Given that you've submitted an abuse report, this thread serves no purpose so I'm closing it -- do not open a new one to discuss this same subject.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.