Any news about AOL?

I just want to know if someone knows the latest developments about AOL affair with inktomi /images/icons/smile.gif


Just that any search you do on now comes up with Inktomi at the top.

Nicely, or perhaps sadly (for DMOZ), I am now getting many more hits on our website with them using Inktomi that I ever did when they used DMOZ.
I am not quite sure what AOL is up to - it seems really odd they would pay tons of money for ODP and then let it die - but stranger things have happened in the online world.

The only DMOZ listing now on AOL search is a little tiny list at the bottom that shows a few of the ODP directory headings, with no listings.

In the press release, the only reason that AOL gave was that Inktomi gives faster results - I assume they mean the search engine works faster and actually delivers the listing to AOLsearch faster than ODP. It seems that AOL could have spent a few bucks to upgrade the ODP engine...


>> the only reason that AOL gave was that Inktomi gives faster results

It could also have meant that Inktomi is faster at including new sites. That's an advantage that crawlers have over humans.


That could be - I have heard that Inktomi does a tremendous amount of crawling, so it is probably updated pretty often.
And search engines don't have backlogs.


You can pay for pages to be spidered by Inktomi every 48 hours (I think it's 48 hours) but even without paying, pages from my sites are spidered daily - a few pages each day.


Interesting - this morning AOL was using Inktomi search results. Now it is using ONLY ODP results, with no mention at all of Inktomi.

Any clues as to what is happening?


It looks to me like AOL is very confused. Maybe they just change it 2-3 times a day to drive people mad.
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