Any way to find out why a site didn't make it?


Apr 21, 2004
I'm sure this has been asked before, but is there any way to find out why a site didn't make it? I have submitted 3 or 4 sites in the past, some of which are receiving decent traffic, but still not making it into dmoz. In my opinion the sites are as effective as those that are in the directory, but I've yet to actually get in. Starting to get a complex.

Thanks in advance for your answers.



Jan 23, 2003
Step 1: Go to the site submission forum and request status checks on each of the sites (be sure the requests are properly formatted so read the positng guidelines for that forum before you post).

Step 2: Be patient and work with the editors in that forum.

Step 3: Understand that more than a million sites are waiting to get into ODP. Each submission is unique, and since we do it all by hand, there is probably no blanket reason why none of your sites have made it to date.

p.s. You can put all of them in a single request provided you have the caegories for each.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There are basically only three reasons for a site "not making it."
1) Hasn't been reviewed yet.
2) Doesn't meet content standards.
3) Accident

[There is also a #4, "Duh, dude, it's dere already!"]

Most people seem to believe that #2 is a long checklist of things a site ISN'T supposed to have, like the Google list of things that constitute SE spamming. But it isn't, not at all. It's basically the lack of the one thing a site HAS to have: significant unique relevant content that the editor can find. And so people keep wanting to ask us, "what single bit of content can I copy and paste from some other site, so I can get in like they got in?" But that's not it, at all. What you need to do is to provide the single needle of information YOU KNOW, that nobody else on the net knows -- and then not bury it under a whole haystack of plagiarized content or semantics-free marketroid-babble.

And, you know, we can't help you with that. If we knew what you know, WE could have already generated that website, and listed it, and you'd be left out in the cold, with no unique content still.

When you ask about the status of a site, you'll be told if your case is #1 or #2, and if it's #3, we'll generally flip it back into case #1 or #4.

When you think about it, that's really all we can do without making the forum an "accelerated site submittal system", which is what we most want not to do.


Apr 21, 2004
Gunshy I guess


You're right. I guess I was expecting that there's something undone or done incorrectly on my part rather than #1 or #3. I'm pretty sure it's not #4.

SEO is not so much a science sometimes as it is a SWAG. Unfortunately the only way to get smarter about it is to understand why things I've tried fail or why they would fail.

Thanks to all for the info. I posted a request for status, and will hopefully understand more soon.

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