Anyone want to make any suggestions please

Dawn Sheppard

Aug 1, 2008

I have submitted my site quite a while ago. Is there anyway to find out if I have actually been rejected at all - I am not keen to resubmit as I understand this can place you lower down on the review list. Or if it is possible would anyone like to look through my site - I would be interested to know if my site is most likely to be approved.

It offers a good service for free to all users so I feel it is of value to the public/ internet users.
<url removed>

Thank you very much in advance.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Is there anyway to find out if I have actually been rejected at all
Sorry, there isn't.

> I am not keen to resubmit
There is no need to suggest a site again. Not if it is still waiting review and not if it is rejected.

> as I understand this can place you lower down on the review list.
If an editor sorts the suggested sites by date it will lower you on the "list". If he sorts them on one of the other criteria it won't.

> Or if it is possible would anyone like to look through my site
Sorry, we can not provide such a service (anybody would like us to look at their site)

> I would be interested to know if my site is most likely to be approved.
Our guidelines are available for anybody to read at

> It offers a good service for free to all users so I feel it is of value to the public/ internet users.
Thanks, we also think it is of value.

> Thank you very much in advance.
Your welcome. I hope my answers have been of help to you.


Mar 8, 2004
Well, if you last suggested your site in 2006, it may have been lost in the crash. In that case, you may resubmit, once to the appropriate category.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.