app status, agouti

Only applied 2 days ago and wasnt expecting to post here, having read I should wait 3 weeks before asking.

However, this morning I received a long email with subject "Abridged Open Directory Guidelines" and the message itself began with:

"This is an abridged version of the Open Directory Project's Editorial Guidelines
to help you get started with editing. "

Does this mean I was accepted, but have not received formal notification?

Editor name applied for was: agouti



Mar 25, 2002
That was probably your notification of acceptance <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> The editor account "agouti" became active on the 16th of January at 02:31GMT.

If you have forgotton your password, please go to the password reminder page.

Welcome to the ODP and I hope you enjoy editing! Once you log into your dashboard (via the link to on the front page shown as "editor login"), take some time to familarise yourself with the guidelines and then, if you have any questions feel free to go to the internal editor forums and post in the 'New Editor Forums' and we will try and help you. If you just want to settle down and get a feel of the community, then have a read of our "social forum" the "Penguin Cafe".

Congratulations and welcome to the ODP <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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