Application denied (within hours)


Mar 1, 2002
What exactly did your rejection letter say? There are several different types of rejection letters, and based on the type you received, you can figure out why you were rejected.

Hello Apeuro,
This is the email I received:

Thank you for your interest in becoming an Open Directory Project
After careful review, we have decided not to approve your application
this time. The most common reasons a reviewer will deny a new
include, but are not limited to,

* Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in
fields including reason, affiliation and/or Sample URLs.
* Improper spelling and grammar.
* Sample URLs are inappropriate for the category which one has applied
edit. They may be too broad, too narrow, completely out of scope, poor
quality, or in a language inappropriate for the category. All
sites are listed in the World category. Applications for World
that include sites only in English will be denied. Likewise,
for World categories that include sample URLs in languages other than
the one
appropriate for the applied category will be denied.
* Not properly disclosing affiliations with websites that are, or have
potential of being, listed in the category.
* Titles and descriptions of sample URLs (and other information
were subjective and promotional rather than unbiased and objective. ODP
editors do not rank or write website reviews. ODP editors provide
and unbiased descriptions of websites and their content.
* Self-Promotion. Application which leads us to believe that the
candidate is
interested primarily in promoting his/her own sites or those with which
applicant is affiliated. The ODP is not a marketing tool, and should
not be
used to circumvent the site submission process. If this is an
motivation for joining, then we ask him/her not to apply. Editors found
to be
inappropriately promoting their own site will be promptly removed.

Due to the large number of applications we get every day, we are unable
provide personal responses to every application or to respond to
about why you were rejected. If a reviewer chose to provide additional
comments to you, they will be given in the "Reviewer Comments" section

Your willingness to volunteer is greatly appreciated and perhaps we
will be
able to utilize your talent in the future.

The Open Directory Project

Reviewer Comments:


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002

Based on the content of the letter you posted, it looks like you were rejected for the category you due to the actual content of your application.

Whilst the reviewer did not provide any comments, this letter is typically sent when either the URLs are not appropriate for the category (they could be affiliate links or links that are specific to a locality level category), the application is not written in correct English, there are many typographical errors on the application, or several of the other reasons listed in the letter.

If you are really interested in taking on a category in Yugoslavia, I would suggest applying to a locality level category or sub-category and make sure your application follows the advice given in the "FAQ and General Advice" thread on this board.

Hello sthenbelle,

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate someone answering to my post, although I can't agree on what you have said (no disrespect meant) <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

I am sure that it has nothing to do with my English, nor with the sites that I listed in my application. They have so much useful information that it is incredible that they are not listed on DMOZ... if you don't believe me, believe the hundreds of people at Lonely Planet that have commented on those web sites, and that use them as reference (I don't know if I am allowed to post URLs on this open forum, so I will not do it).

What I do find amazing is that someone has time to reject my application within hours, and yet that same person doesn't have time to update a category... Apparently, the last time it was updated was on May 13, 2002... although I don't see any useful information in the directory... although there is a casino listing... (does make you wonder).

After receiving my rejection letter, my first thought was DMOZ (or the people that run it) s****. But hey, everybody makes mistakes occasionally... so I applied to another category (financial services and banks in Yugoslavia) under a different ID. This category BTW, hasn't been updated in ages, and even has links to banks that have filed for bankruptcy in the meantime. I applied, with three sites (3 big banks in Yugoslavia)... and surprise, surprise, my application was rejected... Same letter as the previous one...

Now this does make me wonder...


Mar 25, 2002
It's hard to comment on why you might have been rejected without having seen the application, but there are many reasons why an application may be rejected. Did you take a look at the first thread in this Becoming an Editor forum called FAQ and General Advice? There are some really good pointers in there about what you should know to become an editor.

Was the category maybe too big for a new editor? Were your descriptions written according to the guidelines? Take a look at that thread and read some of the documents that are listed there. After reading some of that stuff you might get a better idea why you were rejected. It's not just about submitting good sites. You also have to be able to describe them properly as well.

Hope that helps a bit <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


Mar 1, 2002

Here's a thought - maybe applying to the spammiest, most abused categories in the ODP is not inspiring much confidence as to your motivations. If you are so interested in helping your fellow man, perhaps I could interest you in applying to Society/History/By_Region/Europe/Yugoslavia/. It's in need of much more help than the Travel and Financial Services categories.

maybe applying to the spammiest, most abused categories in the ODP is not inspiring much confidence as to your motivations

I don't know if this is something I should be proud of or not (because spam, after all, is only used in countries where the Internet is used massively), but, even if I wanted to, I couldn't find a spammy site to list in those categories. What else could I, btw, list in those categories? Here are the sites that I listed in my application. Please review them. If you consider them not worthy, or spam, than I do apologize.

HVB Yugoslavia
Managed by BankAustria, part of the german HypoVereinsBank Group.

Raiffeisenbank Jugoslavija
Internet portal of the austrian bank, includes online banking.

Societe Generale Yugoslav Bank
The french bank, operating in Serbia since 1991.

(edited to add url of category)


Mar 25, 2002
It's still hard to give you an answer based on only seeing the three web sites and descriptions. Remember that we accept or reject the application based on all of the information that you supplied in all of the fields. All I can say is that you make sure that you read all of the information in that other post I mentioned above, and read the Guidelines.


May 26, 2002
If those were the descriptions on your application then they may not have been quite good enough. There are some differences between your style and what is implied by the guidelines.

If there are any descriptions like this in categories you have already looked at, then these are mistakes that should be cleaned up.


Mar 25, 2002
Although writing good descriptions on your application will definitely help your chances for being accepted, it's not the only thing on an application that we look at.
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