Application status - arubin


May 26, 2002
A Quick note.

You can only apply for one category at a time. You can only have one editor screen name, ever. If you are accepted for a category, you must use the internal system to apply for additional categories, but you do need to have shown good editing with the first one that you are allocated before being considered for others. It is rare for people to be allocated extra categories in their first few days of editing.

I understand. What I meant to say was that, I'll reread the rejection letter to determine, whether, after my current application is rejected or approved, I should resubmit my application to that category or consider other tax-related categories.

Of course, if it's approved, I understand perfectly well that my work editing my existing category would have to be found satisfactory before another application would likely be considered. (Although -- the category my application is presently in is a difficult one to prove myself in, as it seems intended to include only pages within an official IRS web site.)


May 26, 2002
>> I'll reread the rejection letter to determine, whether, after my current application is rejected or approved, ... <<

Oh, you're already assuming the worst then?

Just kidding. I too, have days where it all turns out in the wrong order.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Just out of curiousity, why are you switching back and forth between the categories that you apply for? Assuming you're not applying for multiple categories at the same time using different IDs (which would be a Bad Thing), I wouldn't expect to see that happening. And why did you apply for the IRS category if you think it won't have a lot of work for you to do?

In any case, your application for the IRS category is still pending.

why are you switching back and forth between the categories that you apply for?
I think I could do a good job of maintaining either category, as I've been navigating both sets of sites (although for only about 4 of the States) for longer than the Directory project has been extant.

why did you apply for the IRS category if you think it won't have a lot of work for you to do?
Actually, neither category really requires much maintenance, as they both consist entirely (as far as I can tell) of official government web site -- which I consider a good thing at this point -- so the only problem is selection, titling, and organization, and finding where dead links have moved to when they reorganize the site. The IRS directory only has 5 entries; in my editor request I submitted 2 others similar to the existing entries. The States directory has 52 entries, one for each "State"; my editor submission was to add suggest additional links for each State corresponding to the different types of tax forms, which are (at least for some states) in different web sites. For California, for example, income tax forms (the existing link, although with an obsolescent URL), sales and use tax forms, employment tax forms, and estate tax forms all have different web sites within *

In terms of switching back and forth, it's quite possible that the reason I was rejected would apply to either (or any other tax-related) category, or might be specific to the States category (size=52; my suggested sites might be considered a reorganization of the category, which might be considered too much for a new editor), the IRS category (too small; little work as it's government web site category; and I don't want the parent department), or possibly non-government tax preparation related categories, which all seem to be too big for a new editor. If the reviewing editor wants to make specific suggestions (including "go away"), I'll certainly consider them.

OK -- so I'm now an editor. Why can't I log in?

(I'll check again from home, as it might be a firewall problem at work, but it may be a propagation problem.)


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
You need to have:
1) A password with max 8 characters (use the first 8 if yours is longer)
2) Access to port 8080 since - at least until monday - this is the editor port. It is announced that this will be changed back to port 80 on monday - if no other problems occur that call staff away from this.

OK -- I'll try again from home. I may have misremembered the password, and I had forgotten about the truncation of the password to 8 characters. Thanks for all your efforts.

If I can't log in by Monday, I'll ping again.


Mar 25, 2002
There might actually be a problem with your password. There seems to be a bunch of new editors from around the same time who are experiencing password problems. I've added you to the list for the tech person to look at.

Thanks. My password is 9 characters; I tried the first 8, the last 8, and the entire string, and it returned (at least a reasonable approximation of) an incorrect password error on my most reliable browser at home. So far, no successful connection....

I see from other posts in this forum that it may not be a password length problem this time. I'll keep waiting (and submitting URL corrections when I run across them in the directory, editor or not....)


Mar 25, 2002
Don't submit anything either. That's another bug that's happening as well. It's bug weekend - who's got the can of raid :bug:
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