Application Status Please.



i have beeen rejected. Can any body give me a reason why so????


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Sine you know that you have been rejected, you received one of numerous prewritten emails which most likely contains some information about the reason.


The pre-written reasons are not clear. There should be one or two precise reason for my rejection. I have been rejected atleast 20 times. I have no affiliations or any reason of self promotion of sites as i do not have any.

Then why do i get rejected. My applicaton is complete, no spelling mistakes and accurate. But i guess the reviewing editor does not want that i should edit his category. A very selfish motive. Dmoz is not for stopping creation of new editors but enlarging the scope. I am really depressed and i dont feel like applying for it any more.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
But i guess the reviewing editor does not want that i should edit his category.

The editor who edits in the category you applied for is not the one who reviewed your editor application. The people who do that are the meta editors -- the rest of us know nothing of new applications, until all of a sudden there are new editors in our midst! It is impossible for us here to do more than guess at the reasons for your rejection... but ill will from any existing editors in the category can't be it.

[edited to remove completely false statement. Sorry, I was confusing two things.]


Mar 25, 2002
Here are the reasons from the standard rejection letter. I think that they are pretty clear. Can you honestly check off all of those items and say that you did none of those?
  • Incomplete application. Insufficient information has been provided in some fields including reason, affiliation and/or Sample URLs.
  • Improper spelling and grammar.
  • Sample URLs are inappropriate for the category which one has applied to edit. They may be too broad, too narrow, completely out of scope, poor quality, or in a language inappropriate for the category. All non-English sites are listed in the World category. Applications for World categories that include sites only in English will be denied. Likewise, applications for World categories that include sample URLs in languages other than the one appropriate for the applied category will be denied.
  • Not properly disclosing affiliations with websites that are, or have the potential of being, listed in the category.
  • Titles and descriptions of sample URLs (and other information provided) were subjective and promotional rather than unbiased and objective. ODP editors do not rank or write website reviews. ODP editors provide objective and unbiased descriptions of websites and their content.
  • Self-Promotion. Application which leads us to believe that the candidate is interested primarily in promoting his/her own sites or those with which the applicant is affiliated. The ODP is not a marketing tool, and should not be used to circumvent the site submission process. If this is an applicant's motivation for joining, then we ask him/her not to apply. Editors found to be inappropriately promoting their own site will be promptly removed.

    I assume that you have read all of the information in the FAQ and Advice thread in this forum.

    You should ask yourself "Why do I really want to become and editor?" If the reason is simply self-serving because you want to get your own sites listed and nothing else, then you do need to move on and find a different hobby.

    Everytime that you have come here to ask about your application or why you have been rejected, you have used a different userid. It makes me wonder how honest you have been on your applications.


Apr 15, 2003
In your response above, there are numerous spelling mistakes and incorrect use of capitalization. In addition, there is poor grammar and sloppy use of plurals, together with bad sentence structure. If this reflects the style of your application, it would certainly be rejected.


Apr 5, 2002
Your application is reviewed by people who are not self-serving and who know what they're doing. In all likelihood, if you've been rejected twenty times, you have not been rejected by the same meta editor in all twenty cases. You were probably rejected not because your intentions were viewed to be bad, but rather because your example sites were not of good quality, your titles and descriptions of those sites are not what we would want to see in the directory, something else you said or your writing style reflected poorly of you, or any combination of the above things.

I apologize if you see this as harsh, but if you've been rejected that many times, you (1) have way too much time on your hands for filling out applications, and (2) you need to find something new to occupy yourself with. That many rejections tells me that you're unlikely to get in on the twenty-first, second, or any subsequent try either.


Aug 22, 2003
I might also suggest that if you have a native language other than English (I know that some Indians are native speakers of English and others are not), you might consider applying for a World: category in your native language. It's easy to make grammar mistakes in a second language, even one you've used most of your life!
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