Application status (thelawnet) - Danish reply!



Hi. I applied yesterday to edit

Unfortunately I selected Danish as a language by mistake.

Can anyone please tell me what this says:

Tak for din interesse i at blive redaktør i Open Directory Project.

Efter en grundig gennemgang af din ansøgning har vi besluttet ikke at godkende
den. Blandt de hyppigste årsager til en afvisning er

* Ufuldstændig ansøgning. Der mangler information i nogle af felterne, fx
begrundelse, tilknytning eller eksempler på URL'er.
* Fejl i stavning og grammatik.
* Eksempler på URL'er passer ikke til den kategori, der søges om.
edit. De kan fx være for brede, for smalle, af en dårlig kvalitet eller i et
forkert sprog.
* Undladelse af at oplyse om tilknytning til web-steder, der er eller kan blive
optaget i ODP.
* Titler og beskrivelser i URL-eksemplerne kan være subjektive eller
* Selv-promovering. Ansøgninger, der får os til at tro at en ansøger ønsker at
deltage for at fremhæve sine egne web-steder, vil ikke blive godkendt.
Ligeledes vil redaktører, der gribes i selv-promovering, blive fjernet fra projektet.

På grund af de mange ansøgninger, vi modtager, kan en ansøger ikke forvente at
få et personligt afslag, eller at få svar på spørgsmål angående afslaget. Hvis
den, der har gennemgået ansøgningen, har valgt at komme med yderligere
kommentarer, kan de læses nedenfor.

Vi er glade for, at du ønskede at deltage i projektet. Måske kan vi bruge dine
evner en gang i fremtiden.

Venlig hilsen
Open Directory Project

Yderligere kommentarer:


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
It's a rejection letter, I'm afraid... here's what it means:

Thank you for your interest in becoming an editor for the ODP.

After going through your application thoroughly, we have decided not to accept it. Among the most common (? "hyppig" is a new adjective to me) causes for rejection of an application are:

* An incomplete application. Information in some of the fields may be missing, for instance reason for applying, affiliations or examples of URLs.
*Errors in spelling or grammar.
*The URL examples aren't suitable for the category you applies for. They might for instance be too general, too specific, not suitable for listing or
*Failure to inform of affiliation with web sites that are or may get listed in the ODP.
*Titles or descriptions of the example URLs are subjective or misleading.
*Self-promotion. Applications that lead us to believe that the applicant wants to become aan editor merely to promote his own web sites will not be approved. Editors who are found to be self-promoting will also be removed from the project.

As we receive a large number of applications, an applicant can't expect a personal rejection or responses to questions about the rejection. If the person who reviewed the application has chosen to make further comments, they will be listed below.

We are pleased that you wanted to participate in the project. It is possible that we may want your participation at some point in the future.

Kind regards

(I'm Swedish, not Danish, so may have got the nuances wrong, but that's the gist of what it says.)


DMOZ Meta/kMeta
Curlie Meta
Apr 3, 2002
Among the most common (? "hyppig" is a new adjective to me) causes for rejection of an application are:
Good guess :) The corresponding sentence in the English letter is

The most common reasons a reviewer will deny a new application include, but are not limited to,


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
A country-level Travel and Tourism category is not the best category to apply for as most sites would be listed at a much lower level (in the case of Indonesa, most sites are listed at the province level or in some cases the locality level). I'd recommend choosing a small province level category outside of Travel and Tourism if you choose to reapply.
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