application status


Mar 25, 2002
There are no applications pending for that category. Did you receive and reply to the e-mail confirmation? If you didn't then the application would have never gone through. If you did, then I would have to assume that the application was denied. If you decide to apply again, make sure that you read through everything in the [thread=1289]FAQ and General Advice[/thread] thread above.



Actually I did read everything in the FAQ, twice. I was very careful to avoid the use of words such as "best, greatest, etc." and created factual, valid short descriptions of essentially one line each.

I did receive a confirmation email at the time of registration, however, I completely forgot about the submission as other work increased and I never received a response after the intial application.

The assumption is that it was denied because there is nothing pending, could that also mean that the application was simply lost or accidently deleted?

Thank you.


I have decided to resubmit my application as I never heard anything from the first go round, the category is;

I realize it may be a little while until the actual application is reviewed, however, would it be possible for someone to confirm to me that is was correctly submitted and awaiting review.

At least way I won't wait a month to find out that I have to resubmit it.

Thank you
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