Application status

Apr 13, 2010
User: Andriukas dviratukas
Date: July 8, 2010

I received confirmation, and confirmed it. No response ever since.
Who stole it?


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
User: Andriukas dviratukas
Date: July 8, 2010

I received confirmation, and confirmed it. No response ever since.
Who stole it?
No one stole it. :) It is in the queue and awaiting review.
Apr 13, 2010
As editors of DMOZ say:
patience is one quality an editor should possess.

The fact is that they will never tell you why the delay, and who fails to act. Surely there must be a culprit. They simply do not know, and do not check.
But they will keep telling you things with a knowing air.

I do not know anything. Though I like to write about things I do not know.
Based on what I do not know, I guess your application is still not processed, and will not be for another half a year.

I am waiting far longer than you... More than a month longer.
You must come after me. Please do not jump the queue.

I think, the main job you will have, when you become an editor is be patient. I gather, other jobs may wait. I presume, the less there are editors, the more busy they are. I guess, if they admit you, they risk becoming less busy, almost redundant. I am afraid, they fear you.

I suppose, meanwhile they will continue to scribble on this forum a few thousand times per year. I imagine, very busy, and much more fun.


Curlie Meta
Mar 29, 2002
The fact is that they will never tell you why the delay, and who fails to act.

It is not correct, we have answered here and in other forum threads about the reason of the delay, that's still the same just now.

(edited by me to recontextualizing)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
As editors of DMOZ say:
patience is one quality an editor should possess.
That is certainly a good quality to have.

> The fact is that they will never tell you why the delay,
Correct. Although there is not something like a "delay".
> and who fails to act.
Noone fails to act. As noone is forced to act.
> Surely there must be a culprit.
Nope. There is never a culprit.
> They simply do not know, and do not check.
We do know and we do check.
> But they will keep telling you things with a knowing air.
Nope. We only tell the truth.

> I do not know anything. Though I like to write about things I do not know.
An illness many people have.

> Based on what I do not know, I guess your application is still not processed, and will not be for another half a year.
> I am waiting far longer than you... More than a month longer.
> You must come after me. Please do not jump the queue.
No. There is no queue. We can process editor applications and website suggestions in any order we prefer. Processing in order of date is almost never done.

> I think, the main job you will have, when you become an editor is be patient. I gather, other jobs may wait. I presume, the less there are editors, the more busy they are. I guess, if they admit you, they risk
> becoming less busy, almost redundant. I am afraid, they fear you.
> I suppose, meanwhile they will continue to scribble on this forum a few thousand times per year. I imagine, very busy, and much more fun.

Based on your comments here I doubt you will be good editor material.
But don't worry I won't be the one processing your application and the editor who will has most probably not read this forum.

Apr 13, 2010
That is certainly a good quality to have.
Yes. But not in cases, when DMOZ causes damage with its corrupt entries. Yet it asks you to wait for years till you become an editor and are able correct those sections.

Meanwhile, corrupt editors, who introduced the corruption in the first place became editors in no time, very quickly.

DMOZ says that we do not have to become editors in order to edit any section, or clear corruption in it. I have already proven this to be wrong. I reported abuse. But nobody sought or punished culprits. An upper editor edited the section in question, and introduced even more corruption.

As long as DMOZ remains on display on the web, and as long as search engines rely on it as a prime source of supposedly prime information, it continues to reek havoc on our communities, and I would continue to want to become an editor.

> The fact is that they will never tell you why the delay,
Correct. Although there is not something like a "delay".
The project is the obligation. It is not all just fun. Otherwise pack up and go, please... And leave the place to someone, who does want to act, rather than to fail to act.
Nope. There is never a culprit.
You contradict yourself. You just made a culprit out of me. See also the thread, which I link to at the end of this message. There the editors pretend to be always right, and the applicants are portrayed as always wrong.
We do know and we do check.
You just admitted that there are not culprits. This only means that you never check. You always assume that editors are simply free to not act.

However, the rules of DMOZ state that editors must make several edits per year. Otherwise they lose membership. But there's no similar rule on the obligation to review applications.
Hence, editors are not interested in admitting more editors. Because that means less editing opportunities for themselves. On the contrary: they are interested in grabbing suggestions, made by others (non editors, or unsuccessful applicant), and rushing to edit, sometimes to cover up their own abuse.
Membership encourages an editor to make wasteful edits, pretend activity, to fail to act.

Congratulations on your 4278 message on this forum!:icon_eek::surprised I believe this was hard work.:empty:

How many edits di you make on DMOZ?
How many applications did you review?
How many approved, rejected?
Nope. We only tell the truth.
You tell assumptions.
> I do not know anything. Though I like to write about things I do not know.
An illness many people have.
You do not have the courage to apply it to yourself, or to other editors.
Partly because if you do that, they would expel you. Just like you threaten to expel me.
Based on your comments here I doubt you will be good editor material.
I am an excellent editor. I spotted shortcomings of DMOZ. This made you upset about me, rather than about DMOZ.
But don't worry I won't be the one processing your application and the editor who will has most probably not read this forum.
I would regard this as a joke. But it is not. You are serious.:bonk:

See the other thread:
DMOZ is always in denial.
All they write is ludicrous. They divert the talk to side issues. This post of theirs just shows us how they select editors, who are just like them.

The whole purpose of the process of admission of editors is not to serve community, but to serve the tetchiness of the editors themselves.
You are right. I am not a flatterer.
Is this a problem for DMOZ?
Or is its problem the corrupt articles?..


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Your posts/the replies have been moved here from the other thread, as it was drifting off topic.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
I'm sure you'll appreciate that neither always right nor always wrong exist, just shades of gray.
If you have evidence of corruption, beyond "my site isn't listed, the editor must be corrupt" we would appreciate you using the abuse reporting system.
Our timescale may not be compatible with your wishes, but flattery or not your application will be reviewed on its own merits in due course.
Apr 13, 2010
Your posts/the replies have been moved here from the other thread, as it was drifting off topic.
What is the difference where do you move this post?
Here it would be "offtopic" as well, as you say.

You moved it for another reason: to split and fragment the argument, and to prevent my posts from being seen by other users, to prevent my contact with them. You hide it and contain it to my own thread.

This is a well known trick of corruption.

The other post, in which you comfort me that the person bearing a grudge with me won't be my reviewer is just another manifest of corruption.
We could consider it a joke. But the whole system suggests otherwise.

My previous arguments remain valid.

Soon it will be a year since my application.
You justify yourself by the lack of time or interest.
Then I suggest you start admitting people in bulk, and let them compete within their sections.

The corrupt content inflicts damage onto our communities. It accumulates with every year.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
If that little outburst was a status enquiry, your application has been declined and you have been sent an email explaining why. We wish you well in your future endeavours elsewhere.
Apr 13, 2010
The only outburst I see of late is your own.
But nobody rushes to revoke your administrative rights.

Here is what you wrote to me in your rejection of application by e-mail:
jimnoble said:
Your attitude at RZ
is unacceptable. Do not apply again.

Have you heard of freedom of speech?..
It is a useless thing to you. But it helps society work together, rather than apart.
It might help DMOZ. But you have killed it.

I remind you of your own attitude that RZ is not part of DMOZ. So, any activity on RZ is absolutely voluntary for editors.
RZ is just another website. Hence the attitude on any web site should not influence DMOZ.

The only thing that counts is the activity and the ability exhibited on DMOZ.

Otherwise, you would have an excuse to persecute any editor for anything they do outside DMOZ.

That's what you have just done.

Like a spoilt child, you avoid argument. You do not even read the argument I have referred to.

Instead you pretend to have taken offense. But it is by intent. I know it, because we have told you so many times. You do understand what we are saying. You just pretend you don't.

You yourself have taught us patience.
You yourself keep losing it.
You yourself are lost for reasons, then you are frightened of arguments. You simply lock topics, and expel applicants.

Am I making assumptions? No... At least not more than you do...

What attitude? What is unacceptable? Please speak like a human.

I referred to very specific very corrupt content on DMOZ.
If the desire to correct the corruption on DMOZ is unacceptable, then you are not an editor, and not an administrator.

But of course your corrupt attitude is acceptable to yourself, and DMOZ.

Keep talking to yourself...

DMOZ has become your own private site. It does not serve any outer community. Let it become such. Let it lose its status, which it pretends to carry.

I will contact the major search engines, and inform them of this systematic, and very indicative incident. I will ask them to stop treating DMOZ as a site of priority.

I invite anyone to do the same.

I can't allow the corrupt content of DMOZ to continue unfairly influencing the search engines.
This adverseley affects our community.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You've expressed your points very clearly but in apparent ignorance of our purpose and how we operate. It's obvious that this thread will not end in agreement. Closing. Do not start a similar one.

If you have hard evidence of editorial corruption, please report it at . Ranting and raving in vague generalities and insulting behaviour are unlikely to advance your cause.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.