Application Status


New Member
Apr 22, 2016
Hi there,

Could someone please let me know the status of my current application?

I initially applied on the 25th March to the following category:
Top : Regional : Europe : United Kingdom : Business and Economy: Shopping : Home and Garden : Electrical : Lighting

I received a reply within 24 hours stating I was unsuccessful with my application along with the following reviewer comments:

Reviewer Comments:

Through the application process, reviewers gauge your ability and willingness to identify and describe sites in a fair and unbiased way. With your application, you provided three example sites, and you are affiliated with two of them. Also, the two lighting sites are owned by the same company and only one of them would be listed. If you'd like to reapply, please take the time to find and describe two additional suitable sites with which you have no affiliations. You may leave one of your affiliated sites as the third choice, if you wish.

I took the advice and reapplied on the 26th March to the same category.

But to date, I have not heard anything back. Can someone please let me know how my application is doing? The username for the application was "jlsmg".

Kind Regards,

P.s. It may show that I have applied another time since the 26th March. This was an error on my part as I wasn't sure if I had confirmed my application via email.


New Member
Apr 22, 2016
Hi there,

Please could someone provide an update for the above application I made on 25th March 2016? Seems quite a long time to hear back, just double checking in case I may have missed any notifications in my emails etc.

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