Application Status



I have wanted to contribute as an editor to this category for a long time:

Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Internet: Free Stuff

This is a small section to manage to start off with, and as a webmaster with over 5 years of promoting websites, I thought it'd be nice to start helping out on reviewing sites for DMOZ

I applied around July 28:

opendir - 23ccc5337d849e6615ae8e4fae7a731f

If anyone could give me an update ;-)

Many thanks


Mar 25, 2002
I'm not seeing any applications for that category so I would have to assume that it was rejected for some reason. Give it another go, but make sure that you look through the FAQ and General Advice thread before applying again.


Well, I've re-applied today (after reading through the FAQ / Guidelines) and got an "Application Rejected" email not so long ago :(

But I've followed the guidelines, disclosed relevant info that they may need, but still got rejected. If anyone could spare a few minutes to go through what I put in the application and let me know where I'm obviously going wrong, it would be appreciated... I've put a page on my site showing what information I entered for each field that Dmoz required.


Mar 25, 2002
I think you're missing the point of the ODP :) Your application is coming across as being pretty self-serving. You want to get your web site listed and you want to get other people's web sites listed. That may be a reason to become and editor, but it shoudln't be your primary reason. You should read the About DMOZ and Social Contract pages.

We don't expect the sample descriptions to be perfect, but if you had read the guidelines you would have seen the whole section on how to write a description. You should look specifically at

I really would consider looking at a different category. These free stuff types of categories tend to a tad troublesome and usually an editor should have a bit of ODP editing experience before we would let them work on a category like that.


Thanks for the reply ;-) I'll look at becoming an editor in a diff category then ;-)
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