Application Status



I applied in July but no confirmation reply address worked then and for a long time after. Now I resent the confirmation, and received this:

Re: opendir - 999b070145c151395ed6363e27615b19

Your Open Directory editor application could not be confirmed.
The error received was: Can't find your authentication

Is my application lost or timed-out? What can be done? Thanks.


I applied for a category within which I am absolutely not affiliated with any site (World: Magyar: Szabadido: Turizmus: Túrázás i.e. Hiking in the Hungarian section). So this is purely with the aim of HELPING to build the directory, not to abuse, manipulate, or promote anything (like some do, based on my personal experience).

DMOZ acknowledges my good intentions by placing all kinds of obstacles in my way, making this application the most difficult challenge I encountered in my seven years of internet usage.

Now I was asking a simple question and no-one bothers to answer. Is this the way to build the "collective brain"? One has to beg?

At least, I guess, this untruth should be removed from the self-introduction page: "Signing up is easy: choose a topic you know something about and join."


Mar 25, 2002
Is there anything I can do now?

Be patient :) If you look at any of the other threads in this area you will see that we are having some problems with editor applications at the moment. There seems to be a few different problems that hopefully will be resolved soon.


Hi, I am reading about all the bugs recognized and fixed (bad authentication ticket, login problems, weird characters etc.), but nothing on my problem.

Do I have to re-apply? Or will this work out in the end?

Or shall I simply forget about the whole stuff once and for all because it is all botched-up and not worth the effort I am putting in?


Mar 25, 2002
If you had looked through the Editor Application Bugs thread, you would have seen that I did address this. I could not address each person individually, so I wrote a blanket reply that address everyone's issues. Sorry that you didn't get individual attention but that was just not possible with the amount of people experiencing these problems.

Did you try to resend that confirmation e-mail? You should be able to get your aplication to move into the queue by simply replying to the original confirmation e-mail.


Thanks. I do read what you write, but that is about "bad authentication ticket", while my problem is "can't find authentication ticket".

I did re-send the confirmation e-mail about 20 times since I received it (twice this week). Nothing changed, I get the same reply.


Mar 25, 2002
I don't know what the problem is, but at this point I would suggest that you apply again. If your application is still sitting in the system somewhere it will not allow you to use the same e-mail address, so you should probably use another e-mail.
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