Application to be editor



Hi all,
I recently applied to become an editor of but was rejected with a generic e-mail.

This intrigued me as I do have experience in the category I was applying to become an editor for (although I do run a company in the same field which could be considered a conflict of interests) and it was my understanding that this category had no active editors as such.

Just wondering if an existing editor could take a look at my application and give me any tips in altering my game plan if I were to reapply as I don't understand my initial declination. I’m obviously not disputing the decision; there must have been a reason behind it but I would appreciate any light being shed on the reasoning so I’ll know where I fell down.

Many thanks

Chris Holgate


Oct 30, 2002
That category has over 200 listed sites, plus of course there are some waiting to be reviewed. A category over 100 listed sites is normally "too big". Try finding yourself a smaller category with a couple dozen listed sites. It could be a related one like or try a regional category for your hometown. After you've put in some editing time in a smaller category you can re-apply to the category this category that interests you more.


Mar 25, 2002
Without even seeing your application I think that I can safely say that the reject letter probably said something like "Although we would like you to join us as a volunteer editor, you have chosen a category that is already well represented, or is broader than we typically assign to a new editor. We would encourage you to re-apply for a category that has fewer editors or is smaller in scope, in order to increase your chances of being accepted."

That category is larger than we would typically grant to a new editor. You need to learn the ropes in a smaller category before moving up to something of that size.

Check out the FAQ and General Advice thread for a lot of helpful info about how to apply.
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