Application to become an editor


Oct 14, 2002
I realise that the subject is becoming somewhat tedious to all of you metas out there, but those of us who really want to become editors are chomping at the bit to know what our status is. I also realise that the workload for those who are reviewing our applications is really quite formidable, but is there any way of finding out whether we are in the queue, whether we have been rejected or whether we have just been lost in the internet abyss? I applied to become an editor for home-cooking-apetizer approximately 10 days ago. Am I being too impatient? (just as a point of interest, will I have to spell everything the american way if I become an editor, or does the editorial process allow for differences in international spelling?)


Mar 25, 2002
(just as a point of interest, will I have to spell everything the american way if I become an editor, or does the editorial process allow for differences in international spelling?)

We do allow for differences in spelling, but it depends on where you are editing. Most of the directory is American spelling, but areas such as Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/ use the good old original British spelling of English words, Regional/Oceania/Australia/ uses the Oz versions and the less said about Regional/North_America/Canada/ the better, eh? Of course, World/ is an entirely different ball-game with all sorts of exotic spellings and word formations (so much so, it seems they write different languages there). To be honest with you, once you've spent a while on the internet, flicking between US-b---t-dised English and the proper thing is as easy as shelling peas.

Plus we have things like the Preferred Terms list which help maintain a 'house-style'. If you do become an editor, you'll soon get to grips with things like that: we have internal forums similar to this from which editors can get assistance, documentation details (editor side and 'semi-public' like the guidelines) which help and, of course, you can contact other editors for assistance.


Apr 1, 2002
Your application is still in the queue. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

We don't have any statistics on average waiting time, but I did a spot check a little while ago. At that time, the vast majority of applications were three weeks or younger. Fewer than a handful had been waiting for more than four weeks.



Oct 14, 2002
Thankyou to both hilde and beebware for your replies. I will sit tight and hope for good news.
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